How long did it take you to conceive


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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Hi ev1, just wondering how long it took all of you to conceive and what were your first symptoms before you got your BFP? My AF is due sunday, Boobs have been hurtin but not too bad now, also quite thick white cm today. thanks in advance :clap:
12 months (concieved 3 times but Mced twice I also MC 3 yrs ago)
My first symptom was implantation, bloatedness and bleeding gums
2 weeks, my first signs were sore boobies and very hormoanal i waited until my af was a week late and then did a test when i got my bfp.

becky xx
wow march - thats quick - wish i could concieve that quick - you must be thrilled :cheer:
yeah it came as a bit of a shock i took my last pill on the 4th june (i know this because we was on holiday) i had my usual af on the 9th and i conceived about the 23rd june.
i must admit i was expecting it to come back negative and when it didnt i was abit taken back, in a way im glad it happened so quick as i dont think i could take loads of negatives.

anyway im nearing the end now as i am 33 weeks and 5 days preg.

Becky xx
1st month with my new man, taylor wasnt planned! :D
Had a mc at the end of May last year so was trying since then finally got my bfp on 14th December so took 6 months.

First signs were boobs hurt whenever I took off my bra. I tested the day AF was due and it was a very strong pos. :D
Took 7 months but DH was out of country for a couple of months so really it took about 4 months :D

Didnt really have symptoms, felt a bit more tired and had a bloated tummy xxxx
Took us 2 months, really thought it wouldn't happen that quick. I had a colposcopy in October, came off the pill in Novemeber and af was 2 days late in January I took a test and it was positive!
Took me nearly 2 and a half years (I wasn't tempting or anything, just not using contraception and going at it like rabbits! :oops: )
My first symptom, way before I even noticed my period was late was tiredness. I mean really tired, one night I crash out at 8.30pm my normal bedtime being about 1am (well it used to be, now I'm lucky if I get any sleep!)
Took us 3 years :(
But hey we've got there in the end, my first symptoms were burning nipples metal taste in my mouth tiredness and period style cramps oh and the obvious no period :roll: lol
I still can't believe we're pregnant, i still do a test almost daily :rotfl:
FeeFee said:
i still do a test almost daily :rotfl:

:rotfl: Ahh bless you!
I've still got the 3 BFP I did

(I've been told is gross, but I don't care :talkhand:
It took me too long to get them, to just throw them in the rubbish!)
I know what you mean Miss, DH was GUTTED to say the least when the clear blue digital "turns off" after a day or so and didnt say pregnant anymore :rotfl:
took us 5 months and 1st symptoms were Af cramps, slightly sore boobs and very windy!!


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