how long did u get your bfp


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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hi girls hopefully il be join u as ive had quite a lot of symptoms and AF is late i did a test this mornin (29 day cycle - 28 day cycle) and a very faint bfp on a chepie.

i was wondering how long did it take u all to get a nice bfp?
It really can depend, I got mine 3 days after AF was due but there have been others on here who havent got theirs for weeks after AF was due :?
Try a clear blue digital that says pregnant or not pregnant :hug:
fingers crossed jemz - but I have had faint bfp's on 10miu cheapies and BFN on CB digis so would wait a little bit longer before using them as they are blumming expensive!
yer il prob wait another week dont know if i can wait any more lol
you're not alone there - I just had to resist testing 5 mins ago! It's worse than any other addiction I swear...
had a nice dark line about 2 days after af was due, hgc levels double every 2 days so in theory it should get darker in a few days
should do - mine got lighter :x then a tiny bit darker, then lighter again!!

(I don't think I'm PG though so ignore me everyone, I'm just trying to avoid getting of the PC and doing some housework :oops: )
I didn't test for ages because I was utterly convinced that AF was just about to start. I got my positive on CD44. However, although I was regular before we started trying, during the year that we were trying it varied between 27 and 37 days, so I could have been anywhere between 7 and 17 days late. I took the tests in the evening and they were both very clear.
I used a Tesco's own test and got a dark BFP 2 days after AF was due. xxx
im in a similar situation as urself i am three days late, i have done about 8 tests so far just cheap ones though the first two were neg but then after the rest have been possitive but i still seem to be getting a faint line do you think i should be worried about this? :?
sounds like u could be. the difference with my faint is that only i could see it but not sure if it was a evap.

keep us posted sal i really would like to know
i didn't get my BFP until i was 12 days late!!!!

And then i still had doctor to confirm it with there tests! :doh:

Try and hold off for as long as poss as it gets blumin expensive :?
I got mine 1 day after AF was due. It was a solid dark line very quickly, so who knows...I could have got a bfp before then? But wasnt even thinking about babies to test prior to my AF due date. It was my mother actually that reminded me when my last AF was and when I was due on again and then I realised I was 1 day late! Tested and got BFP! (so thanks mum :clap: )
well im now 6 days late did a cb digi and got a bfn. got a lot of crampin goin on.....wots goin on :evil:
It could be that your HCG levels just aren't high enough yet. Equally, you might not have ovulated this month or you might be late owing to stress or whatever. My cycles went from being regular as clockwork before we started trying to wildly varying while we were trying. I think just the stress of trying was fouling things up.
but ive had an ib plus symptoms plus my bbs are massive and the nipples are startin to chnge colour its so confusing :wall:
I got mine a few days after AF was due, and used a tesco test and it came up positive very strongly :cheer:

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