how long b4 it gets easier !!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2005
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ok so my daughter is 7 months, i found out i was pg 2 days ago only to start bleeding the same day as i tested. i went to the drs and he said i was in the process of losing my bubba.

i have to go back to the drs next wednesday to have a scan to see if the baby has completely gone. if not he said something about a d and c or some sort of pill???????

to be honest i really was not listening to a word he said, so i am now confused about what will happen from now on. what if i have lost the baby completely??? what is the d and c???? or the pill????

although i was only 5 weeks pg, i feel so sad. i think its cos i keep thinking what might have been. :cry:

any advice will be much appreciated
thanks in advance

I'm so sorry for your loss, it's terrible at any stage.

A D&C is done under general anaesthic to remove any remaining tissue from your womb (sorry it sounds so cold). Some women chose to miscarry naturally. I didn't I had a D&C and was glad I made that choice. You have period pain cramps and bleeding afterwards but you're physically ok after a day or so.

I've no idea about the pill, maybe it does a similar thing.

Sorry again,
Hi Honey,
I cant help with what a d&c os but I just wanted to let you know Im very sorry for what has happened to your baby. It doesnt matter how pg you were, its still a massive blow and I hope you find some sort of peace in your head about whats happened.

Take care
Hi Honey,

I can't imagine what you are going through but I'm sure it is very difficult to go through what happened to you and the baby no matter what stage you are in. I just wanted to send hugz you way!! To let you know the pill does do the same thing but I think there is suppose to be less cramping then with D&C. Good Luck sweetie and let us know what happens.

xoxo Ree

thanks for your lovely messages

i will keep u all posted on what happens in the coming weeks

i am cut up but i will continue trying, i never wanted a only child, so lets keep out fingers crossed that it happens soon for me.

thanks again
OMG Talk about night from hell

danielle started being violently sick at 4pm and continued til 8pm, i phoned nhs direct who called the emergency doctor out.

he was here 10 mins later, as she wasn`t keeping water down and had no wet nappies for 4 hrs

he gave her some anti-sickness drops and told me to give her a cup off tea. i then put her to bed (10pm)

i got into bed and fell asleep, at 1pm i woke to the violent sickness again, only this time it was me. finally stopped being sick and about 11am. i also couldn`t keep even a mouthful of water down.

we are both ok(ish) now, just very tired and weak

can it get any worse??????????????? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
OMG Talk about night from hell

danielle started being violently sick at 4pm and continued til 8pm, i phoned nhs direct who called the emergency doctor out.

he was here 10 mins later, as she wasn`t keeping water down and had no wet nappies for 4 hrs

he gave her some anti-sickness drops and told me to give her a cup off tea. i then put her to bed (10pm)

i got into bed and fell asleep, at 1pm i woke to the violent sickness again, only this time it was me. finally stopped being sick and about 11am. i also couldn`t keep even a mouthful of water down.

we are both ok(ish) now, just very tired and weak

can it get any worse??????????????? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Im glad the sickness passed, we had that 2 weeks ago and it was horrendous. Thats good they sent a doc out though as its quite difficult to get them to take things seriously.

Take care
i have to go for a scan today to see if i have definately miscarried.

but it doesn`t look hopeful

wish me luck :cry:
hi hope your ok how did scan go? xxxxxxxxxxx my heart goes out to you, take care.

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