How hard is it to go shopping?


Sep 1, 2011
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I'm a new dad with an 8 month old boy.
i was just wondering how stream line everyone has made their shooping trips.
Basically as our little man is getting older it seems to be increasingly difficult to take him out.
We live in a rural area so the nearest baby center is anywhere between 30mins to 1hr. And thats one way!
That doesn't include the hour it takes for us to get ready.
Then the time to feed, change, clear up, dress.
Then time to pack nappies, food, bibs, wipes.
Then dragging it all out to the car.
And because he is still breast feeding but also taking solids we have to worry about where we are going and how long the jorney will take.
Then - Light Bulb - why not buy online?
the more i have thought about it the more it makes sense doesn't it? yes i got to pay postage but surly thats cheaper than an hours drive etc.
Now i'm a bit of a technofobe and all ways hear by mates and tv of scams online.
I was wondering who else shops online and who they normanly use. Ive just purchased as a test something off because they seemed to come up very cheap and everything seemed alright and secure. Has anyone else used this company? I bought something yesterday and got an email saying they dispatched it same day? is that normal?
I should get it tommorrow so will let you know what it was like.
we shop online for loads, it's perfectly safe. We do food with asda or tesco and I get a lot of stuff from amazon and ebay too.

we shop online for loads, it's perfectly safe. We do food with asda or tesco and I get a lot of stuff from amazon and ebay too.


Great idea about asda for food thanks.
We'll got my clothes from cheyo, haven't got anything to compare to but i am impressed.
They shipped my stuff same day even though they state shipping will be next day.
This made getting my clothes seem extra fast which was nice.
very clean and simple packaging. By that i mean it doesn't have their company stuff plastered all over the package so everyone can see what your getting. i think this is more secure.
Also the bag they sent it in seems very durable and is designed to be returned at no extra cost to me. big thumbs up.
the clothes were sent with coat hangers which i didn't think about but is one of those little things that helps.
the clothes we also in their origninal plastic packaging as well so had extra protection i'm guessing via postage.
Overall at the moment i would give 10 out of 10. i really couldn't fault them.
We do our weekly shop online mostly now too. But now Oscar is a bit older he sits in the trolley seat and is more entertained.

I also keep a changing bag that is soley for when I'm going out in the car, so if anything gets used I just top it up for next time rather than having to pack a bag each time I go out. Well the buggy bag is always kept topped up too lol They just have the basics like nappies, wipes, changing mat. Water or snacks I just grab and go at the time.

I also always take a toy too! It usually gets thrown around alot but it keeps him occupied!
We do our weekly shop online mostly now too. But now Oscar is a bit older he sits in the trolley seat and is more entertained.

I also keep a changing bag that is soley for when I'm going out in the car, so if anything gets used I just top it up for next time rather than having to pack a bag each time I go out. Well the buggy bag is always kept topped up too lol They just have the basics like nappies, wipes, changing mat. Water or snacks I just grab and go at the time.

I also always take a toy too! It usually gets thrown around alot but it keeps him occupied!

Extra changing bag in the car is a great idea.
The amount of times we have gone out forgetting the buggy bag then having to buy nappies and wipes all over again.
I don't use my baby bag at home so I know it's always got what I need. I sort all Islas food out in the morning, normaly while she's napping so as soon as she's awake we go out.

I have Lamaze toys which I clip on to the handle of the Trolley and a buggy driver from early learning centre for the pram.

I also offer her crisps (organix) or breadsticks as we travel and that keeps her occupied for ages!

Emma x


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