hard to sleep


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Thomas used to sleep fine until last week. He would happily fall asleep on his own. Now he is looking for loads of comfort. He will sleep fine in my arms but as soon as i put him in his bed he wakes up and cries. He seems also to be only able to sleep on the breast, otherwise he cries. There are still some times when he will happily fall asleep on his own but they are rarer and rarer. now i do not want thomas taking the habit to fall asleep on the breast only and to sleep in my arms or i am going to sign for a harsh time later on. He wants to suck his thumb and fist but gets frustrated because he cannot control his mouvements very well yet. I tried the dummy and he will refuse it 9 times out of 10 and when it takes it it is just for a few minutes before dropping it. even at night now it takes more than an hour for him to go back to sleep while before he will drink then sleep.

Any tips to help me? :D
I dont know what to suggest but did find a 'mam' dummy to be quite good as it was shaped to the face and the raised bits like nipples. I know I always say this but I used to put the previous nights p'js or nightie stretched across the cot so baby was lying on it, the scent of mummy seemed to settle her.
ohhh thats a good idea laura braydon is learning to be a right little pain at nite lol
I don't really have much advice either, Seren has been doing the same thing, falling asleep at the breast and then crying when placed in crib. What I have been doin is picking her up, rocking her till she calms down and then putting her back in crib. She will usually start crying again, and I have had to repeat it a number of times but it has started to work, she went to sleep tonight on her own. I have also got a grobag for her to sleep in, this means that I can cuddle her in her blanket and it smells a bit of me when I put her to sleep (before I got this I slept with her balnkets for one night). We put her pyjamas and grobag on her in the bedroom to try and associate this with bedtime.

On a different note has he had his injections rcently or something, I found that for a few days after Seren became very demanding for comfort, was refusing bottles as she wanted the boob (again a comfort thing), and was just always wanting to be held or fed. This has been her first day when she has got a bit more like she was. Hope Thomas settles soon xx

Thomas has had his injections on monday. Well, routine is all over the place he is sleeping downstairs instead of his bed because i have spent nearly 3 hours trying to put him to bed and it did not work. Each time his head touched the mattress he would wake up and cried. He drank 2 bottles today although still 3 Oz each time so feeding is getting slightly better but sleeping is still a problem. apart from that he is a lovely baby so i cannot complain really. But i d love him to sleep :)
i know it sounds harsh but i let B cry for a couple of minutes so he knows i wont go running at the 1st noise it is heart braking tho
Thomas has still loads of difficulties sleeping in the day, they are very short naps, can last 5 minutes and he is grumpy because he is tired :cry:

Is it just a phase? Please tell me yes


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