
Hi girls,
I just wanted to pop a little bit in here just to make you aware. Please be careful with any childrens model agency that asks you for a joining fee!!!! But dont get that confused with photograph moneys. Good children model agencys do ask (sometimes) to get professional shots done but they never ask for a joining fee.
My son Josh has been modelling since he was 2 years old, and we've come across a few agencies that just dont phone you, you join them but nothing. Hes now with a fantastic agency and when I was pregnant with Ruby they asked to let them know when she was born so they could add her. So far shes had 3 castings. Josh has had alot of work with this agency and usually the job only lasts a couple of hours. His biggest job so far was being in the shop windows for ARGOS xmas just gone, I would put a pic up but with my comp playing up I cant, but if you want to have a quick look at some of his jobs goto

If you go to the pictures page and scroll down you find his album.

thanks for the info rooander. It say that there is no joining fee. You have to pay £99 for the photgraphs that they put to their clients, thats all you have to pay upront which I dont think is too bad. then when you do a casting they take fee's they take 25% of the payment. Does that sound alot? or about normal?

I was going to go the friday but I could try and make the sat instead and we cud all meet up, if we cud get similar times.
They shouldnt take any money on a casting, as thats just an audition to see if the client wants to use that baby or child. Castings are usually quite hetic as you get told to turn up between certain times, usually the child doesnt get paid for a casting.
However if your child attends a casting and gets the job the agency DOES take a fee. Josh & Ruby's agency take 20% of the final fee. Its usually around the 20% mark but some are more and some are less.
Any agency is good as long as they are working for you child, some just sign you up and you hear nothing from them.

:oops: sorry thats what I meant! they take 25% if you actually do the job! So at the end of the day I suppose it depends on if the clients like the look of your baby and if they are what they need for their adverts ect. whats the name of your agency rooander if you dont mid me asking?
what agency did you go to rooander. the one mentioned here previously liam didnt get into as we are too far away.
Everyone tells me Damien should be a baby model, but I would worry about the travelling, and making him pose, etc. I'd worry it would be too much for him? He is a very good, contented baby generally, but what if he had a bad day when he was doing a photo shoot? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but I just worry about it.
Dont worry about if they have bad days, good agencies know that little ones are unpredictable. For example, last week we had to take Ruby to north london for a Cow & Gate casting. It took us three hours to get there and Ruby was so good. We were in and out within 10 minutes and then had to face the three hour drive home again. BUT in the actual casting they wanted the babies to smile BIG TIME!!!!! Needless to say although Ruby didnt cry she wasnt going to smile for anyone!!! No amount of playing was going to change her mind. Thats ickle ones for you.
Our agency is based in London called mot.The worse part about baby modelling has to be some of the parents. You get to meet quite a few characters along the way, especially pushy parents of the toddler age. ARG!!! I could scream sometimes at the way they have a go at their child.

Rooander said:
The worse part about baby modelling has to be some of the parents. You get to meet quite a few characters along the way, especially pushy parents of the toddler age. ARG!!! I could scream sometimes at the way they have a go at their child.

Yeah I'll bet! So I'm a little confused about the money issue?? Should you not pay for anything unless they are for a proper shoot or what? No brain tonight! :doh:
The main thing you need to watch out for is a JOINING FEE. No good agencies ask for a joining fee. The only thing you should have to fork out for are professional photographs and thats only when an agency accepts you. Just send in a snap shot of your bubbas and that should do.

Thanks for that. Mark wants to send pics of Damien in, he always has done but I didn't want him to. I might consider it. Thanks for the info though. The pics look fab by the way!
Rubie got accepted too, but I'm not at all convinced about this company as they are asking for money upfront (£25)
Girls please dont part with any money. As far as I am aware good agencies will ask you to go and see them with your baby, that way they can see how your little one is around strangers(so to speak). They explain the ups and downs and what costs are involved ie travelling expenses, professional pics etc. Dont send any money unless your absolutely sure of the company.

Just had a quick look for you all of some information that might be of interest if you are planning to get your bubbas into modelling.
Take a look at this website, its full of great information and also tells you about the scams that take place and some agencies to avoid.

Also heres a couple of agencies that I know of that have a good reputation.
Juliet Adams
Little Acorns
Sandra Reynolds

Hope this is of some help for you all.

I was thinking of getting ewan in to it, but i've been put off by all the arnings about scams etc. and also the fatc that you have to travel so far.
Ewan loves the camera, but there are so many rip off merchants
the £25 you have to pay is a depost if the £99 for the photographs, and its to secure the appotiment, I suppose its so they make sure u turn up for it. Its not a joining fee though. Im going to have a good read through that lik and decide, Im not 100% sure what to do :think:
It just seems odd to me that everyone who sent photos has been accepted :?
Honestly girls take a look at that website Ive put up. Its full of great advice.


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