how do you see yourself at 80?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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odd question, but I often wonder what I will be like when im old, and i HOPE I'll still have all my marbles and sense of humour, and will probably get a laugh out of pretending to be senile on occasions and getting away with being rude hehe.

I also plan on having a mobility cart with a skull and crossbones flag, a very loud stereo blasting out black sabbath and drive down the middle of the road waving at the nice drivers who hoot me :rotfl:

I will of course still be driving and will have a nice sports car which I'll tear around in, the mobility cart will come out when im feeling naughty :lol:
oooh good one i dunno hopefully have lots of grankids and still be very close with my family still going strong and sleeping next to my oh hopefully lol :D
i well cant see myself living that old, but hopefully i will have little grandchildren by then
consdiering i could be a nan by 31.. lol.. scary thought
old :rotfl:

No, seriously...I hope to be living with my OH, still with full mental capacity, have lots of family and a proper excuse to get a Stannah Stair Lift!!!! Yey :cheer:

I will want one of those mint baths that open sideways too. And a Princess Diana memorial plate (well maybe not one of those)

better get back to work :evil:
im going to be one of those old people you just really hate
People will cross the road when they see me coming :rotfl:
Now getting old scares me sh*tless!! That and death!! Anyone else like this?
used to be, I used to be convinced i was gonna become a herione addict at 60 so that I could have a blast for the last few years and die youngish.....oh the naivity lol

But as ive gotten to my early 30's ive realised theres a hell of a lot more time to go before im old, and i could die tomorrow!

Im not scared of death, I know it will happen when its my time and not before and that theres something on the other side where I will be with the love of my life (OH of course) when its his time.

Im actually really looking forward to grwoing old with him, in our dream house, doing the things we love to do and just being together.

All together now.... :puke: :rotfl:
Im not scared of dying, i used to be.

The only thing im scared of about being old is being on my own, i might never get married and my family might abandon me :cry:
I can just imagine myself falling down the stairs and noone will find me for weeks and weeks because there will be no one to miss me
Oh dear im made myself cry now
at 80? ill probably be sat at this computer still chatting to you guys haha but instead of it being PF it will be FF (fogies forum)

I hope to be walking with a stick so i can use it to randomly swipe Ian across the shins with it, i plan on being the most miserable, rudest old lady there is and will say things such as "didnt your mother teach you any manners" and "you'll catch your death if you dont button up that coat" "in my day" and "my kids would of NEVER spoken to me that way you want to sort them children of yours out" I want an eye patch too but not because im blind but to add to the scary old lady look. Also i want a pair of NHS nashers to scare the grandkids with, or even the great grandkids. Yep when im old i want to be almost exactly how i am now, bitter evil and twisted MWA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Charlotte & Emily said:
Im not scared of dying, i used to be.

The only thing im scared of about being old is being on my own, i might never get married and my family might abandon me :cry:
I can just imagine myself falling down the stairs and noone will find me for weeks and weeks because there will be no one to miss me
Oh dear im made myself cry now

oh you silly mare pull yourself together otherwise ill leave ya :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: you will never be alone :hug:
I would like to be sitting on my veranda in my villa in Florida, warm weather most of the year & loads to do and it will be a great place for our gran kiddies to come & visit us :D I don't want to be in this country freezing my stockings off :D
SarahH said:
Now getting old scares me sh*tless!! That and death!! Anyone else like this?
yes very Sarah, i have nights where i will lay awake and think about it and get so petrified i start shaking and nearly crying, have to put the light on and calm down, its my worst fear in life...death!!!

i hope at 80 i will have my DF and my lovely kids and grandkids - and maybe grat grankids ( :lol: ) all around me, watching them grow, i also want a mobilty scooter, one for me and one for DF so we can race down the streets :rotfl:
Alfiesmummy said:
at 80? ill probably be sat at this computer still chatting to you guys haha but instead of it being PF it will be FF (fogies forum)

I hope to be walking with a stick so i can use it to randomly swipe Ian across the shins with it, i plan on being the most miserable, rudest old lady there is and will say things such as "didnt your mother teach you any manners" and "you'll catch your death if you dont button up that coat" "in my day" and "my kids would of NEVER spoken to me that way you want to sort them children of yours out" I want an eye patch too but not because im blind but to add to the scary old lady look. Also i want a pair of NHS nashers to scare the grandkids with, or even the great grandkids. Yep when im old i want to be almost exactly how i am now, bitter evil and twisted MWA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I've just wet my pants! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'd like to think I will be a cool granny but I know I'm gonna be one of those whinging curtain twitchers cos I'm getting that way already! :oops:
MissGobby said:
SarahH said:
Now getting old scares me sh*tless!! That and death!! Anyone else like this?
yes very Sarah, i have nights where i will lay awake and think about it and get so petrified i start shaking and nearly crying, have to put the light on and calm down, its my worst fear in life...death!!!

i hope at 80 i will have my DF and my lovely kids and grandkids - and maybe grat grankids ( :lol: ) all around me, watching them grow, i also want a mobilty scooter, one for me and one for DF so we can race down the streets :rotfl:

thats a real shame babe, you really shouldnt think about it too much, dont waste your life by worrying about death! :hug: :hug: :hug:
MissGobby said:
SarahH said:
Now getting old scares me sh*tless!! That and death!! Anyone else like this?
yes very Sarah, i have nights where i will lay awake and think about it and get so petrified i start shaking and nearly crying, have to put the light on and calm down, its my worst fear in life...death!!!

Aww bless you I remember feeling like that too. As ggg says don't worry your life away with it you've got sooooooooo many years before you need to worry about that! :)
i cant see myself growing old, i think Ill die young? :think:
quite a scary thought but I would like to see my grandkids first!
glitzyglamgirl said:
MissGobby said:
SarahH said:
Now getting old scares me sh*tless!! That and death!! Anyone else like this?
yes very Sarah, i have nights where i will lay awake and think about it and get so petrified i start shaking and nearly crying, have to put the light on and calm down, its my worst fear in life...death!!!

i hope at 80 i will have my DF and my lovely kids and grandkids - and maybe grat grankids ( :lol: ) all around me, watching them grow, i also want a mobilty scooter, one for me and one for DF so we can race down the streets :rotfl:

thats a real shame babe, you really shouldnt think about it too much, dont waste your life by worrying about death! :hug: :hug: :hug:

thanks GGG and Jools - i try not to think about it, but it scares me that much i cant help BUT think about it, it has happened ever since i was little, when i went to see my dad on a weekend i used to cry my eyes out before i went home coz i was so scared of death!!!! it did stop for a while and i didnt think about it, but more recently, well for the past year or so, its come back again!!! :(
i cant see myself at 80. i dont think i'll reach that age!
Hey there Miss G i can totaly relate to you as im scared of the same thing so much so i get panick attacks over it i never used to be worried at all by it but now it scares the hell out of me now though :cry:
the only thing that scares me about death is what will happen to Alfie and my other children (when i have them) i would love obviously to see grandkids etc etc but my formost priority is that if im to die please let me live long enough to see my childrten grown up settled and happy, my soul wouldnt rest otherwise.

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