One day I feel impatient and the next I feel thankful that it hasnt happened yet because I really dont know how Ill cope with the change involved with becoming a mother and (big deal to me) Im not 100% sure I want to share my OHs attention.
Then I tell myself thats all silly and I cant wait for it to happen.
I found it occupied my every waking thought for the first 2 months, then I found here and Ive been able to get it out 2 or 3 times a day and then get on with life. I think it was not saying anything to anyone having a big secret that made it so hard.
I feel guilty that I cant give my husband the thing he wants most in the world. I want it too, but I know he has wanted it for years and I made us be so careful because just one sperm could get through and now that one sperm isnt getting through!
And I vary wildly between yearning for it and not wanting it to happen. I know its fear of the unknown in part, but I think its mainly that Im so happy with my life and my relationship that I dont really want that to change. I know a child will be hard work and put pressure on our relationship, but its so fun right now Im really scared of that change.
But most of all I LOVE the closeness that the extra s*x has brought to our relationship and how in love we both are all the time at the moment and it reminds me that if it takes a few more months its not so bad.'s like i wrote that....everything you said and feel is exactly the same as me.. sp glad i am not alone xxx

That's how I feel too!!
I have days where I want it so badly and then days when I think "Oh crap...what about when our *baby* is no longer a baby and is a moody 16 year old?" and I wonder if that's what I want, even though I know deep down, I do, I just question myself all the time and I worry that I'll be a crap mummy.
I think this is made worse when I panic with my sister's baby, when he cries and screams and turns a weird shade of red, I have no idea what to do and I quickly pass him off to someone and end up sitting there wondering what the heck I'll do with my own child. Then I remind myself that when it's my child, I'll know all about him - how to soothe him, what he needs etc because my maternal instincts will kick in good and proper.
I worry about the time I have alone with hubby being lost and then regretting having a baby so soon after we'd married but then again, who knows how long it will take us to fall pregnant? And I know my husband would never let our marriage get left behind (for want of a better phrase!).
I worry about the effect of TTC on myself, my husband and us as a couple just married. I wonder if it's too much emotionally - given that my last cycle of 66 days had us both in tears - can we go through this every single time? And he tells me YES we can because it'll be so worth it.
I feel EXACTLY the same about feeling guilty for not falling pregnant straight away and giving hubby the baby he's wanted for so long. He's been ready to be a daddy for years and I've only just decided that I want to be a mummy and it breaks my heart that it's not as easy as I thought. It hurts even more when people around us tell us how they forgot one pill and fell pregnant and then decide to add "Awwwwww I'm sure it's your turn next".
I HATE that! I get frustrated when people ask us whether we're pregnant or not because I look at my husband and I see his disappointment being brought up again and again, every time someone asks that stupid question.
I feel like TTC is so unfair sometimes - especially yesterday when AF snuck up on me after 66 days!
Cor, I've rambled on a bit, sorry!

x x