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May 13, 2010
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When milk just isn't enough for a baby?
I know there's signs like baby being interested in what you're eating etc but how do you know when they actually NEED more and aren't just being nosey? Will they cry to be fed in between normal feeds? Or are there other signs?
Aidens been stealing things off my plate for weeks and trying to eat them (I haven't let him) and I don't want to start giving him anything until I'm sure he needs extra but I just don't know how I will know iykwim?!
He's been on 5 7oz bottles a day but the past week or so he's wanted 2 extra in between some of his feeds, only has 3-4 oz with those extra feeds though.
Not sure what to do!!! Help!
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If I'm honest I started Isla on food to see if she slept better, wrong I know but I was desperate :( and tbh it's not helped. If he's interested you could give him a taste? Maybe I'm not the right person to give advice?!

Emma x

The BLW mantra is 'food is fun until they're one' meaning weaning isn't necessarily about milk 'not being enough' for them, they still get practically everything they need from milk feeds until they're older. This is because babies have stores of iron and nutrients from when they're in the womb. A lot of people get it into their heads that these stores run out immediatly and a baby MUST have 3 meals a day at 6 months to restore these whereas it's actually a very very slow depletion. The exception to this is prem babies who don't have the same stores a term baby has and so they often need vitamins, minerals etc The only true sign of readiness is actually stealing food and trying to eat it! Babies love to copy their parents/care givers as this is how they learn (they also learn through play) so the lip smacking noises babies often making and chewing motions are actually copying you rather than a sign of readiness. How old is A? If he's stealing food and trying to eat it, it sounds like he's ready. Many parents believe weaning will help their baby sleep longer/better but the majority of the time this doesn't happen as food doesn't have the concentrated calories etc that a milk feed (breast or bottle) does so they don't stay full.
Ah he sleeps fine so I'm not worried about that (though he annoyingly wakes at 4 to play but he soon nods back off!)

He'll be 16 weeks on Friday Hel, I was really worried that he'd be starving but if he's definitely getting all he needs from milk then that makes me feel better lol
He usually has a bottle at 7, 10, 1, 4 and his last one between 7/8. But the last week he's been screaming for a few more oz's between his 10-1 and 4-7 feeds (if that makes sense!) I tried giving a couple extra oz's with his 10am feed but he won't take it. I've tried giving water in between and tried his dummy but he just screams the place down. I'm all out of ideas!
Aw bless him x Seb went through a phase of having a couple of extra milk feeds and then had a growth spurt! Lol! He went from 3-6 to 6-9 month clothes in a week! Could be that? Is he draining his bottles? You could up the oz's? Or just do as you're doing and give him the extra milk feeds?
i was going to suggest growth spurt too. i started weaning earlier and regret it! my advice would be to hold off until at least 5 months if you can?! my lo went through a phase of 6oz bottles every 3 hours day & night!!!!!!!!!!!
i was going to suggest growth spurt too. i started weaning earlier and regret it! my advice would be to hold off until at least 5 months if you can?! my lo went through a phase of 6oz bottles every 3 hours day & night!!!!!!!!!!!
Well we do 8oz bottles and sometimes he'll take slightly more than 7 but mostly he won't, I'll even leave him for ten minutes or so and try and give him the last bit but he isn't interested. I guess I'll just keep giving the extra little feeds for now see if it's just a growth spurt but it doesn't feel like one, when he's had them before he's sleeping has been erratic and he'd only have a few oz's every hour or so but nothings changed with him lately except him wanting those extra few.

I can't wait to start BLW but I'd prefer to wait till he's at least 5 months, he just looks too tiny to be eating real foods for now plus I don't think I'm personally ready for the scary sides of it lol
i was going to suggest growth spurt too. i started weaning earlier and regret it! my advice would be to hold off until at least 5 months if you can?! my lo went through a phase of 6oz bottles every 3 hours day & night!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my actual gosh, I hope A doesn't do that! He's brilliant with his sleep, if he changed that now I don't think I'd cope!!
it was horrific!!! lasted a good few weeks too! i think i was definately pressured into weaning early by family & friends (who dont have kids!!!) lol. cant wait to do blw next time!
The MIL is pressuring us into it too but I just tell her to mind her own, when I was in labour she told me I wasn't and I'd know when I was so she clearly knows nothing! Even though she's got three kids she hasn't got a clue!
Just notice your profile pic, I love it!

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