Night feeds

I'd be so happy with your times evelina! I even put charley to bed later last night to see if that would help but he woke up for feeds at 1.30 and 4.30 then woke up talking to himself at 5.30!! I let him off with that though cos I said in a baby voice your gonna kill me waking up this much and he half smiled!! Was so cute! Then we got up at 7 so I'm shattered again!!
im very haappy with him night time but i kid u not, Noa is attatched to my boob between 11am and 11pm more or less. demba have to take him away from me so i can eat cuz when i hold him he goes mental but when demba hold him he is calm :wall:
im very haappy with him night time but i kid u not, Noa is attatched to my boob between 11am and 11pm more or less. demba have to take him away from me so i can eat cuz when i hold him he goes mental but when demba hold him he is calm :wall:

It feels like Isla is permanently attached to my boob too. I've just got her to sleep and she has been awake since 10. I feel like a milk bar! Denis (DH) gets cuddles in-between boob and sleep time but only if she is wide awake. Isla isn't a screamy baby unless she is naked!
Noa HATES the changing table.. and the mosesbasket.. :( he quite like the careseat tho
tegan is permenantly attatched to my boob from lunch time till 4pm if i put her down she screams! other than that she is very content doesnt even cry in the bath lol x
The later times don't work with Drake either Chaz!

He absolutely loves being naked, he loves no nappy time and he adores bath times!! He starts winging when i get him dressed haha!!
Charley's the complete opposite to Drake, he hates bath time, hates being naked and hates having his nappy changed! I get so nervous when bathing him cos it sounds like I'm murdering him!! Lol
Pretty much the same as me. We back to bed after 7am and had a lie in :)[/QUOTE]

Cor enjoy it while u can, im up all night doing night feeds then up between 6-7 when Alfie wakes up to get other 2 ready for school and out the house by 8!! :nap::nap:
well I cant believe my luck getting little herbie my other two where terrible in the night monty the worse was about 6 month before he slept throw, but herbie has only had one bottle since being born about 3 am. now for the last two wk he's been going from 9.30- 10pm till about 5.30- 6am and if o/h is here I can even go back to sleep after that and he go's back in his basket but if not we have to be u for the school run. He is drinking every 3 hours in the day about 6-7oz so think he is filling up but I havent been any different with him then my other two so think its just down to themxx
its nice but last night i got it 1.30 and 5 so that was 2 and i can tell cuz im really tired today!
Charley went down at 10, then woke up at 1.30, 3.30 and 4.30!! At the 3.30 feed he didn't take alot so I think he's just using that to top up but I couldn't get his wind up either so think that disturbed him!
Also he was in his cot for the first time and he fell asleep so much quicker than in his Moses!! He's so small in his cot though!
noa will only sleep next too me :( i wouldnt mind an hour with no noa in bed so i can cuddle with demba but its never happening!
poor daisy woke for a feed at 2 then again at 5 30 i misread the clock thinking it was only half 2 and couldnt understand why she wouldnt settle so gave her a dummy took me another ten mins to realise she was actually hungry not being a moo bag lol
Drake loves his Moses basket! I normally put him in there when he's blottoed but last night he woke up when I put him in there and he settled himself back off to sleep! I've never had him in bed with me, so nice after having a previous child sleeping with us every single night when he was a baby. Means I get a sex life this time round haha!
i think its cuz noa dont like layin on his back, wit me he layes on his side ( i wouldnt let him sleep on his side in his basket) and in the morning he sleeps on his tummy on my chest :love:
Im never eva taking herbie out of his basket lol he's 7 wks now and not the smallest of babies but he loves it he go's in wide awake and there he stays think i might have to cut the end off to keep him in longer make room for his legs ha ha

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