How do men really think?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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how is a man suppose to react in looking forward to finding out the gender of his baby or even excitment bout the baby i dont mean having to be exstatic but u no happy bout the baby? :eh:
i think it just depends on the man - everyone's reactions are different! when i told my OH he was having a boy, he was excited and happy to know! said he was secretly hoping for a daddy's girl tho.. lol.. hope this helps somehow! when do you go to find out? xx
We have never found out, and at the birth my hubby announced it was a boy when she as a girl!!! Thinking he was hoping. My man is far too laid back but i make up for that in my excitment. How did your hubby react?
Mine doesn't want to know until the birth, he wants the surprise but is convinced we're having a boy! As for being excited, he's more excited about everything than I am! He had tears in his eyes when we first used the doppler together bless him, was absolutely transfixed at the scan, and I keep finding him staring / gazing at me. I've never seen him go so gaga over anything before, if's lovely to see :)
We find out the sex on thursday (hopefully) and OH seems to be more excited than me and i feel very excited!!
He even cried at the first scan then got very upset about not being at my 2nd one or my last appointment when i heard the hb. (he's very emotional with my pregnancy :lol:)

i think every man is different with their reactions on everything, no matter what it is.
Some try and keep up a macho appearance and make out emotional things dont affect them.
I find out sex of bubs on the 23rd march but he doesnt really talk bout baby stuff he just hopes that babys healthy but no other reactions an im not expecting him to be over joyed or nething just like on baby names thoughts on prams. i dont even know if im excited bout wanting to know the gender and obviously im hoping that all is well with the baby :).
But not sure if im excited bout the baby scan cos ive done most the talkin on baby bits he says that women only talk bout the baby stuff :s :( feel like hes not that bothered to be honest lol.
I went for my scan today and the father was completly indiffernt to it all. He just sat and watched the screen during the scan with his arms crossed and didnt say anything when we found out it was a girl. I dont worried me that there was so little reaction.

I think all men should show a little emotion....if only to keep us a bit happier!! lol
OH was brill throughout the pregnancy and birth excitement wise.. He was v v v ill when I was in labour, he had to be sent home to get a few hours kip while my labour was progressing :lol: but when Odhrán was born he just came to life.. Maybe your OH is afraid.. It's a big life change for him too, and espec after you going through your mc :hug: but as we know most men won't admit or show when they are scared.. They bottle it all up, once you get your scan you never know, you could come home with a completly different man x
Mine isnt really worth talking about coz we arent even together now due to him being such a knob.

But with regards to baby he has always been very excited & thrille (he wanted a baby with me looong before i gt preganant). However, he is FAR more interested in what im doing than asking about the baby!! He wants us to get back together and that is his focus. NOT the baby :(

Mines the baby and my excitement gets better everyday :)
OH was brill throughout the pregnancy and birth excitement wise.. He was v v v ill when I was in labour, he had to be sent home to get a few hours kip while my labour was progressing :lol: but when Odhrán was born he just came to life.. Maybe your OH is afraid.. It's a big life change for him too, and espec after you going through your mc :hug: but as we know most men won't admit or show when they are scared.. They bottle it all up, once you get your scan you never know, you could come home with a completly different man x

I hope i get to see a different side to my OH after the baby scan x
Me too hun, has he talked to you about any feelings? x:hug:
I find out sex of bubs on the 23rd march but he doesnt really talk bout baby stuff he just hopes that babys healthy but no other reactions an im not expecting him to be over joyed or nething just like on baby names thoughts on prams. i dont even know if im excited bout wanting to know the gender and obviously im hoping that all is well with the baby :).
But not sure if im excited bout the baby scan cos ive done most the talkin on baby bits he says that women only talk bout the baby stuff :s :( feel like hes not that bothered to be honest lol.

My OH is just the same and its so frustrating not knowing what they're thinking! :mad:
Hopefully the scan will change them, u never know!! x x
he hasnt mentioned how he's feeling although if hes scared he usually talks to me but he hasnt talked bout baby stuff hes only mentioned a girls name but im not really liking it but weve agreed on a boys name if we have a boy but that was arranged while ago with this pregnancy.
He hasnt mentioned clothes although hes mentioned a pram but he wants me to do price checks on how much all the baby stuff is going to cost wtf!! lol.
Maybe when we go shopping more and find out the gender of the sex he might start thinking more of us :( i dunno.
Wish we cud tell what our men were thinking lolx
My OH is terrible , and listens when he knows he should but doen't take anything in about baby!

He loved the scan bit when we had our others, something tangable for him I guess, but he gets bored with me talking about it! He would have been more than happy to leave it at 3 kids, and I twisted his arm bigtime, so I give him some leaway there. Baby names, he is adament on some that they are a NO and then can not offer any of his own, so actually thats great too, I know I will get to choose them as I want especially as I just had the baby when naming in the hospital.

Oh it's nice to be the boss!
My OH is terrible , and listens when he knows he should but doen't take anything in about baby!

He loved the scan bit when we had our others, something tangable for him I guess, but he gets bored with me talking about it! He would have been more than happy to leave it at 3 kids, and I twisted his arm bigtime, so I give him some leaway there. Baby names, he is adament on some that they are a NO and then can not offer any of his own, so actually thats great too, I know I will get to choose them as I want especially as I just had the baby when naming in the hospital.

Oh it's nice to be the boss!

MY oH is the same and we have traditional roles - hes a work - a - holic too. But that is what we agreed and what we stick too. Hes not very good with babies but supports me in the things i want and listens to me about my day. He does seem more involved this time round - maybe because the children are older and he has got closer to them as they have got older. Hoping he will be more involved with this one at a younger age - but not holding my breath. To be honest it works for us, i'm the boss with the kids and if daddy ever does discipline its noted by the children who usually look teriffied - the good old you wait till daddy gets home!
I love kids so much i don't let it worry me very often and can't wait to have another yeeeee
maybe if you go into town window shopping you could just ask to nip into mothercare and have a look at stuff. Let him lead the way a bit and act naive so that you can find out about the stuff together. SOmetimes men have this idea that women automatically can do stuff and know about stuff and they feel like they cant do that, so maybe if you can make him realise that you are learning about all of this too and theres no magic knowledge, maybe he'll feel more empowered?

Im sure once he lays eyes on your child at the scan and finds out the gender he'll get much more excited x
Think i tried that first time round inky - not to put anyone else off trying it! Our situation is different this time round as he works from home mostly so he'll be about more and with three other children to ferry about to different schools and clubs he is going to be left with baby alot more than others were - so he'll have to get to grips with it haha.
from a male point of view there are very few things which can make my stomach do huge backflips and even fewer things which can bring tears to my eyes. one of these is seeing my little girl for the first time last thursday.
going through a mc will make your oh extremely protective of you and he will more than likely try to limit his emotions because he is worried. Nt all men show a great deal of emotion and its important that he doesnt feel pressured into showing you how he feels.
if you think he is not interested in baby shopping then ask him questions, ask his advice.
my oh has back troubles and asked me to help her to find a lightweight pram which would suit us. you will need to see the pram folded down and how easy it is to alter, feel free to get him to do it as a demonstration and ask him his opinion on the choice.
My OH is getting more and more excited they closer we get to scan but he knows after what I went through last time that it's important that we keep our excitement to a minimum until we find out all is ok! Then I think it'll be unadulterated!!!! We were looking at clothes the other day and he was getting really excited and was like 'can we buy something?'! All men are different! He's spending most of his time looking after me at min since I feel sooooo ill! I think Jason is right, ask for his help and advice, get him involved in the practicalities, after all isn't that what men are supposed to excel at?
if i ask my oh for help an advice an suggestions hes like i dont know so ive got to do it all on my own, an ive not pressurised him bout his feelings an i know what its like aving a mc but hes only worried if i get pain well he says he is worried bout the pain and im passed 13 weeks so im very much LESS likely to miscarry now which he knows an i know that. he doesnt give me a massage or nething lol.

I was in pain the other day an he was away with his mate an he always tell me to tell him wen i get pain i did the first time an never heard back from him an wen he went the other day i told him an he sed i hope im ok so i might aswell not bothered neways.

He doesnt even ask how my day went when hes gone on marine fish hunting.

I went bby shopping on my own but i must admit he felt really guilty as he was suppose to stay in an help me for a change rather that bog off for days out i brought winnie the pooh bath robes for lil one and i asked him if he liked it he was like 'meh' what kind of word is that from a bloke lol!

so because he told me he wud stay in with me an told his mate he was going out with him he felt guilty an brought a baby steriliser thats the first thing hes brought bout cos i mentioned it off the list.

he doesnt appear to be interested in baby shopping because he doesnt like walking around town i do all of the shopping.

went to mothercare with him after we had a our first scan he walked around an then mentioned that everything was abit pricey, I cannot win.

Just abit of thought into bby stuff would be nice atleast im not asking for much haha, i dont even bother with him anymore, he just dont seem bothered or interested. x
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