How Do I...


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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Get Angel back in her own cot for most of the night?
When she was tiny we had this routine of her going to bed then she'd come in with me around 5am-6am. But now she goes in her cot as usual but refuses after her next feed! I'm not really a fan of co-sleeping as i get scared and also she jiffles so much and keeps me awake. She just screams and screams. I've tried putting her in whilst still awake, straight after her feed, even an hour after while she's deep into her sleep. No matter what she screams. I want my bed back and have a bit more sleep as i'm constantly thinking about suffocating her or over-heating her coz we sweat loads!
Have you tried swaddling her?
Or rocking to sleep in your bed and then move into her own (being careful not to wake her obviously), swaddled?

We did both for ages cos we couldn't get him down any other way lol
I've tried swaddling, but the thing with Angel is if she feels the tiniest bit of movement she kicks her legs and throws her arms! You know then you're doomed! Lol. Also sometimes she grabs my top and won't let go, in her sleep!!! Rocking is also a common one! Lol. I try patting her bum when she's laid down as she's a side sleeper. We have a musical projector which once she starts you cannot even hear!

I'm guessing it's another case of perseverance then?
I'm exactly the same at the moment. Emms will sleep in her cot for about an hour and a half at a time from about 7pm, but by about 1am I am too tired to keep getting up so we co-sleep. I'm hoping it's a phase and that magically one night I'll put her down in her cot and she wont wake until the morning like when she was 4 months!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
loz said:
I'm exactly the same at the moment. Emms will sleep in her cot for about an hour and a half at a time from about 7pm, but by about 1am I am too tired to keep getting up so we co-sleep. I'm hoping it's a phase and that magically one night I'll put her down in her cot and she wont wake until the morning like when she was 4 months!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Sam used to sleep through in his own cot too at 4 months, now he is just as you have described. I want my bed back too, I'm covered in scratches and bruisess from where he has got me during the night.
I was quite surprised when you said your health visitor said controlled crying wasn't appropriate at this stage, 6 months is an ideal time, my hv said any time from 6 months is great cos they don't need feeding at night. It doesn't have to involve simply leaving her cry in the cot all alone, there are several more involved methods, some of which take longer/are back breaking but are ideal for those mum's who can't handle the crying.
It's so easy to blame teething, colds and hunger for night waking but the main reason is that they don't know how to self settle, and let's face it, teething goes on for ages and doesn't suddenly start hurting at night. The ONLY reason I went down the CC route is because when Ricky woke he didn't want cuddles/milk anymore so would just scream (as if in pain, sometimes for hours) and I thought if he's going to be screaming anyway I may as well try CC.
The first night was horrendous but the next 2 were just a little bit difficult, he gradually slept for longer and longer and cried less when he woke. Since January he's been going to bed at 7, falling asleep chatting to himself and waking up the same around 6.30/7, sometimes he plays in his cot for ages. If you really don't want to start putting her down awake at night, you could try it at the same time every day for a while, see how she goes. Sometimes there are only 2 options for a good sleep-controlled crying or co-sleeping! Failing either then it's often trips back and forth, which can go on for years if you're unlucky.
Awww hun i don't really have any advice but hope you sort it soon.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
mum's the word said:
I was quite surprised when you said your health visitor said controlled crying wasn't appropriate at this stage, 6 months is an ideal time, my hv said any time from 6 months is great cos they don't need feeding at night. It doesn't have to involve simply leaving her cry in the cot all alone, there are several more involved methods, some of which take longer/are back breaking but are ideal for those mum's who can't handle the crying.
It's so easy to blame teething, colds and hunger for night waking but the main reason is that they don't know how to self settle, and let's face it, teething goes on for ages and doesn't suddenly start hurting at night. The ONLY reason I went down the CC route is because when Ricky woke he didn't want cuddles/milk anymore so would just scream (as if in pain, sometimes for hours) and I thought if he's going to be screaming anyway I may as well try CC.
The first night was horrendous but the next 2 were just a little bit difficult, he gradually slept for longer and longer and cried less when he woke. Since January he's been going to bed at 7, falling asleep chatting to himself and waking up the same around 6.30/7, sometimes he plays in his cot for ages. If you really don't want to start putting her down awake at night, you could try it at the same time every day for a while, see how she goes. Sometimes there are only 2 options for a good sleep-controlled crying or co-sleeping! Failing either then it's often trips back and forth, which can go on for years if you're unlucky.

My HV told me CC was for around 8 months. The thing with Angel is she'll scream for about 5 mins before she started coughing and then makes herself throw up! But like you say, she sometimes cries for no real reason. Cuddles and milk don't work. Even when co-sleeping she does this. I have no idea what to do. My HV said when necessary try calpol. If she sleeps for the 4 hours then wakes up screaming then it's more than likely teething. But Angel will not take calpol either. I tried giving her some earlier. She looked so unwell and was really screaming so i gave her it. (i try not to give it much) But again, gags, chokes and spits it in my face! She'll keep screaming without swallowing and you can hear it in her throat.

Last night/Today we did better, She went down for 10pm. Sent herself to sleep. Then around 2am she ended up with me. But at 8am i put her in her cot and she was fast off for a good hour! It's just during the night she won't go down.

I'm just gonna keep trying her.
mum's the word said:
I was quite surprised when you said your health visitor said controlled crying wasn't appropriate at this stage, 6 months is an ideal time, my hv said any time from 6 months is great cos they don't need feeding at night. It doesn't have to involve simply leaving her cry in the cot all alone, there are several more involved methods, some of which take longer/are back breaking but are ideal for those mum's who can't handle the crying.
It's so easy to blame teething, colds and hunger for night waking but the main reason is that they don't know how to self settle, and let's face it, teething goes on for ages and doesn't suddenly start hurting at night. The ONLY reason I went down the CC route is because when Ricky woke he didn't want cuddles/milk anymore so would just scream (as if in pain, sometimes for hours) and I thought if he's going to be screaming anyway I may as well try CC.
The first night was horrendous but the next 2 were just a little bit difficult, he gradually slept for longer and longer and cried less when he woke. Since January he's been going to bed at 7, falling asleep chatting to himself and waking up the same around 6.30/7, sometimes he plays in his cot for ages. If you really don't want to start putting her down awake at night, you could try it at the same time every day for a while, see how she goes. Sometimes there are only 2 options for a good sleep-controlled crying or co-sleeping! Failing either then it's often trips back and forth, which can go on for years if you're unlucky.

How long did it take before he went to sleep without crying? Ive been doing controlled crying for about 3 weeks, sometimes he will fall asleep in his bouncer while playing so ill just put him in his cot but most nights when hes awake he can still cry for up to 20 mins, Its fine be cause he goes to sleep and he knows thats what he needs to do but just thought he might have started just crying for a few mins

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