desperate !

Elfs Mummy

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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Maisie has worked out how to get onto her tummy (was a one of) and now she won't sleep any other way she's been getting to sleep on her tummy then when shes in a deep sleep i've been moving her onto her back. Now she wakes up after 10 mins and screams until shes back on her tummy i really don't know what to do as this just screams cot death at me i've had no sleep and im getting kinda desperate now what shull i do ?
Do you have the angel care or tommee tippee breathing monitor? It goes under the mattress and is really reassuring x
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Nope bu it looks like i may have to get one, I can't do this :'(
Nope bu it looks like i may have to get one, I can't do this :'(

Isla has one under her mattress and I love it. She has the tt one, but I hear they are both good. I'm assuming that if a baby can roll on to their belly then they are happy/strong enough to do so?
Yeah she can roll onto her side from her front think i may have to invest x
They definately give u peace of mind x
ah hon, v stressful for you. we put Lo on his tum to sleep from about 7 weeks as would not settle on his back. had the sensor pad so really reassured me, and chatting to all the mummies of tummy sleepers on here x
Kieron will only settle in his downstairs crib on his tummy so I get no housework done cos I'm constantly checking-I have the tommee tippee monitor/sensor upstairs and really is invaluable (and not overly priced either) xx
Lilly has been sleeping on her tummy since she wriggled out of her swaddle at a month old, she would scream for hours if I tried to put her on her back. She now has such strong arms and legs from pushing herself up and prefers to play on her back so she just seem s to be a bit of a backwards baby! :D She is now learning to roll from back to front so she can get into her preffered position, lol.

I have an Angelcare and it is worth every penny! Especially if you are planning to have more babies, and if not, they sell very well on ebay so if you can squeeze the money then I really would recomend it if your LO is determined to be a tummy sleeper :)

Campbell has slept on his tummy from 4 weeks! He loves it. Im confident he will be fine as he has such good head control. HV said to make sure he is colder rather than warm as the biggest danger of tummy sleeping is organs overheating as they all fall to the front xxx
I was just about to post something like this!! Aiden has discovered how to roll onto his stomach. When I put him to bed he'll roll onto his side and it freaks me out as I'm scared he'll keep rolling seeing as he knows how. I've just read though that if baby can get into that position on their own then they will be clever enough and strong enough to get out of it if something happened. This has made me feel a little better :)
I've got the Bavysense II monitor. Just like the others except it has two pads which is good when they grow and when they start wriggling about. The best thing I ever bought!
yeah id get a sensor as well!! dont forget when i was yonger (22 yrs ago) my mum got told to mae me sleep on front. Also when j was in scbu he was put on his front to sleep!! xx
Its funny isnt it , my mum was so shocked when I insisted she put Aoibheann on her back , saying she was told the stomach . But research changes things a lot . Get a monitor as the other girls have suggested . I still like to have one for my little madam as not only does she insist on sleeping face down with her bum in the air she also pulls her blanket and teddy over her face :wall2:

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