Night Time!

How long did it take for her to have the dummy? She seems to think it's a play thing at the mo.
I tried a projector thing last night with worked for the first half, but at 4am it didn't.
Hi ya hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

When she wakes does she cry or is just lay awake?

Calleigh wakes sometimes when we go to bed and i know she doesnt need a feed or bum change so i leave her in the cot and let her thrash about a bit (she loves raising her legs up and bashing the cot mattress)

If its a settling on her own problem then maybe the dummy could help, i have no experience of this tho as Calleigh has never taken a dummy.
She absolutely screams!!! If i try leaving her she just gets worse. I have tried the dummy for a week but it's just funny to her. She has learnt to make it pop out of her mouth!
LisaJ1986 said:
She absolutely screams!!! If i try leaving her she just gets worse. I have tried the dummy for a week but it's just funny to her. She has learnt to make it pop out of her mouth!


Not sure whether she would be too young for the controlled crying thing or maybe you could try the when she wakes go in comfort her, no eye contact just comfort her till she calms then carefully leave, continue to do till hopefully :pray: she sleeps a little for you.

I think its gonna be tough to break the whole comfort to sleep thing. Calleigh was terrible in the day for it to the point of me lying next to her on the bed until she fell asleep. This just wasnt gonna work for me so i just nipped it in the bud and left her to whinge till she slept. But as i said she whinged, didnt do the full on crying :? so i am unsure on how to advise you on this.

How does she settle for OH, is it just you she screams for?
It's the same for both of us. She used to settle for him at night and not me. Now we both can cuddle her to sleep, then the second she touches the cot she starts. No matter how deep her sleep.
I try and leave her but i end up giving in within a couple of minutes as the screams are unbearable. I'll put her straight in bed with me and cuddle her and she sleeps instantly!
The passed couple of nights she's gone to bed wide awake and will go to sleep herself after 10 minutes, no crying. But at 4am it's hell again.
So it is getting better. We just need to crack the early hours screams.

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