Sleeping in own bed


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I know its still early days for me as Sophie is still very young and she wants to be near me.

Im having trouble getting her to settle in her moses basket next to me at night. She will fall asleep on me or oh but not in her own basket. I know im not the only one having this problem and just wondered what techniques everyone else used.

She will fall asleep on me or oh or on our bed but when i try to move her she wakes up and screams. Ive tried letting her fall alseep pn our bed but not holding her this doesnt work either,i tried putting her down awake but she still just screams. During the day she will fall asleep anywhere so why is she being awkard at night? Co-sleeping is not an option as i cant sleep properly with her in our bed.

Anyone have any tips i could try.
Hmmm Chester is the same!!

The best thing that works for him is swaddling him or when that doesnt work I sing and gently stroke his head!
When I put her down I hold her still so her arms and legs cant flap about and wake herself up. This always works for us :hug:
swaddling works for us too, but when hes upset we just put him between us
connor would only sleep on me or OH to start with. it was something that we just weathered.

now he sleeps in bed with us and we're slowly trying to get him used to his cradle - i find it easiest to sleep when he's in with us tho tbh, cos i'm bf-ing and he'll just latch on whilst i keep dozing :) :)

i just reckon he'll sleep on his own when he's ready - he's a very cuddly baby and i think he just wants to be close to us at the moment.

you could try swaddling, putting a hot water bottle on the mattress to warm it up and putting a towel under the sheet so its softer. you could also try wedging the mattress up so that its not completely flat?
Thanks ladies i know shes still very young so just wants to be near mummy. We have already have the mattress on a small slant. She does not like being swaddled she likes to have her arms out. Once i get her to sleep shes fine so im sure its not the basket :think:

I will try putting my top in with her maybe the smell with settle her.
I'd just say give her time and always go and reassure her if she wakes, then she'll gain confidence in her cot/basket when she wakes and you're not by her side. I personally co-slept until 5months, whenever we tried Isaac in a basket it never worked and it upset me, so I did what worked for us and co-slept. Do whatever works for you and give it time, you have said you know she's still tiny so keep remembering that when you feel things are taking longer than you'd wish, very best wishes with it :hug:
i had the same problem at solution is rather contraversial...i probably shouldnt even recommend it but it was the answer for me..

i realised when she slept on me or OH she was on her front....but when i tried to put her down (on her back) she'd scream

SO..i got a sensor mat for reassurance and put her to sleep on her front and bingo, problem solved.

i know a HV would have a fit but she always turns her head to one side, and she's strong enough to lift her head if she wants to change sides. Even now we've got her used to sleeping alone she refuses to sleep on her back

edit: she doesnt like being swaddled and she doesnt even like having a blanket over her!!! so she sleeps just in a warm babygro and a warm room!
Im seem to be making progress (touch wood). I started putting her in her basket during the day and she now seems happy at night. Im not picking her up everytime she cries at night now just stoke her face and calm her to she drops off again. I think shes getting there slowly although she still prefers my bed but its a good start.

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