How did you get pregnant?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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Hello to all the 1st Trimester ladies!

As a TTCer I was just wondering what was your ethos for the cycle you got your BFP and how long were you trying for,

Did you start to use OPK's, PreSeed, SMEP, Clomid, did you have sex everyday, every other day, did you relax about it etc etc the list could be endless, Just looking for new ideas to keep me going each month.

Looking forward to hearing your stories

*tri 2 crasher here*

i came off the pill in feb 09, didnt have a normal cycle until about october, when i started to bleed every time after :bedjump: went to the hosp to be investigated in the december 09 and they put silver nitrate on my womb, basically i had a bit that had come down too far and every time my we had sex it toched it and made me bleed basically,

in january i had a normal period and no bleeding inbetween so that was great, then fell pregnant in the feb 10 just as i was planning to go to docs as we were worried what was going on, we are both healthy and 23 yrs old so was worried something was wrong... as it to me.... felt like it was taking ages

so found out i was pregnant in march 2010 after a really drunken night out at the end of feb and a dirrty wkend away, and baby is due on 23rd nov :dance:

i was marking on the callender everytime we had sex, testing my temp, login it on a website thats ment to chart it for you, we didnt use preseed or anything else like it cos i had read somewhere its not as good as it was made out, but laid still for 1 hr after sex and made sure he squirted in me deep just incase (tmi) lol

but by feb 10 a year after we started, i literally had given up, i decided that it would happen, just now wasnt obviously the right time, we were planning major works on the house, new bathroom, kitchen, taking a wall out in lounge n moving it, lol everyday diy :eh:

good luck, relax and enjoy the sex and stop concentrating on baby making, this helped for us!

I fell pg on cycle 2 of trying...we bd'd every 36 hours in my extra fertile week then afterwards I put my bum on the pillow wiv legs against the wall for 10 mins after xx
Well I was on the implant, and had that taken out in march 2010 (got it exactly 1 year before) and only had it out because of bleeding solidly, decided to give my body a break for a while, used condoms sometimes as was stupidly under the impression that the implant may take a while to get out my system. Well one of the only times we didn't use a condom I fell pregnant (in early may as I had a period at the end of April). So bubba was a shock in a way, my first and I'm over the moon! Lol. X
I am also crashin from tri 2 we got pregnant in the first week of trying everyone who knew we were wanting to try said it wouldnt happen first time as we were both stressed out with work too i didnt hold out much hope my last af was 24 th feb and we went away 1st march we :bd: each day we were there then i got a cold so weekend we had of so on the 7th i was sure i was ovuating so made hubby do the deed and followed it to the guidelines missionary positin and afterwards just lay still i got my bfp last thurs in march i guess was just lucky x
We wern't trying as such but I cam off the pil in October as I had been told it would take a while to get out of my system as i had been on it for so long. I started to get really upset that we were having no luck but we had to wait until at least October this year before we went ans spoke to anyone.

As it happened me getting upset in May would have seemed to been the start of my hormones going nuts :) as I was pregnant
We were trying for about 2 months.
We just relaxed about it, had sex everyday or every other day, when we felt like it really.
I think when you tense up and stress about it it might take longer in my opinion.
Great idea to see what worked for others !

Well we decided in December 2009 we were going to have another child (I have three older ones)
We tried as soon as my cycle came round, and had sex just three time before , on and after the std 14 day ov day and fell preg. W e had a missed Miscarriage at 11 plus 5 weeks, so we tried the following month, with no luck, my first period arrived and then we tried every day for 3 days before ov day , on ov day, and the day after, then stopped. Two days later I notticed for the first time ever the ECWM that all the other ladies in TTC were talking about as a good sign for ov, (my cycle must have been lengthened by the MC), and so we did it twice more that night and next morning, So I got preg and from scans , I am now pretty certain that that was when we concieved, so look out for the signs from your body to help you pin point OV and do it every day!

Wishing you all the sucess in TTC and heres to a super quick bfp for you X
We were trying for 8 months and the sex was becoming quite a chore because we were'nt enjoying it so tried to relax a bit and make it fun again. We used a OPK clear blue digital the month we conceived and had sex every other day 5 days leading up to predicted Ov day. We did it every other day as OH had low sperm count. Good Luck trying xxxx
I've never really nown much about my cycle, I'm so crap like that, I just keep going til something happens and I'm just lucky I guess.

With my 2nd tho, it was taking a while and I never knew when I was supposed to be ovulating. Tried the ovulation strips and according to them i just didn't ovulate full stop. Then I found this herbal remedy that was supposed to regulate your cycle and hormones. took this for 1 month then fell pregnant right on the time I was supposed to be ovulating. might be just coincidence but I loved those pills. Will have a dig around and see if I can find them and see what they are called.
We were TTC for 2 1/2 years. Was totally fed up and had been referred to specialist.
GP said that women had best chance of conceiving at 22 BMI so husband and I both went on big diets and dropped 1 stone each (I went from about 12.5 to 11.5 stone and husband went from about 13.5 stone to 12.5 stone). As part of the diet we gave up drinking for about 8 weeks and that seemed to work wonders for my husband's sperm count (he went from 7 million to 34 million I think). We went on holiday for my birthday after a couple of months of dieting and the hotel gave us champagne, chocolates and strawberries. I drank champagne in the bath, got VERY tipsy and did the deed all relaxed- we couldn't believe it when 2 weeks later we got our BFP! It was so great to cancel our referral to the specialist.
After 2 1/2 years we weren't expecting it at all! Still SOOOOOOO excited and have 12 week scan tomorrow so hopefully all is good in there!
Really good luck. Its so horrible if you're disappointed each month. I hope you get your BFP VERY soon!
I came off the pill in Dec 09 and the month I got pregnant we followed SMEP I was using using OPK's but never got a positive so I was sure I was out for definate that month :dance:
i came off the pill dec 09 and got pregnant on the 6th month.
during months 1-5 i used OPK, checked CM and CP. but the month i got pregnant i didnt use OPK, didnt check CM or CP and we only BD twice!!!!!

i was ready to give up then just by chance toke a test and it was a faint line
good luck xx
i tried for ten years and ended up having gastric band to loose weight then gave up smoking then went on clomid fell on third cycle i done the business every day for the week and layed still for a good while after i used opk's everyday of the month so i wouldnt miss double ovulation or an easrly one
I had been on the pill since i was about 13 years old, due to having really bad problems with my periods, which later on i found out i have PCOS. Now 29 i felt the pill was depressing my personality a little and that in a year or so time we might like to try for a family. So a break from the pill wouldn't be a bad thing in the long run.

Well we had one little accident, which to be fair after 15 years on the pill and having PCOS i was not expecting anything to come of it, well i was very, very wrong, OOOPPPSSSS. It is a good thing though as we lead busy lives, i might of carried on putting it off till next year and then till the year after, until i was to old and had lots of problems in becoming pregnant. I think after 12 years of being together and 4 years married, it isn't a bad time at all.

After reading others and how it is taking them ages and stress that it has on their relationships to become pregnant i think of ourselves as very lucky not to have to go through that. My heart does go out to reading a lot of the stories and sending everyone lots of baby dust their way.
we half-heartedly starting trying back in October 09 (we got married in Aug 09) but weren't really targetting dates, just getting jiggy when we felt like it.

We took a break over xmas / New Year, partly cos I knew we would be out partying and I didn't think it would be very sensible to try and conceive a baby!

So along comes Feb, we went at it hammer and tongs (every day) from day 9 through to day 18 of my cycle and very luckily got pregnant straight away :)
I came off my pill for a break in January this year, we weren't really supposed to be trying but were never careful and it took until the start of May (if the online calculators are to be believed it was a particularly memorable session on the back end of my little brothers 21st birthday celebrations at my parents house.......on the floor of the boxroom with my parents asleep next door!! slightly teenage but very fun all the same haha)

A happy accident I guess :) I am also glad reading how people get stuck trying for years as they get older (I will be 27 just after our baby is born), all the stress of counting dates and legs in the air after a session must be such hard work ladies and is really admirable!!
I came off the pill Dec 09 with the thinking that after 12 years on the pill my body would need a while to sort itself out and we had talked about starting to try in June. By the time we got to mid Jan we decided to start TTC and I stopped alcohol.

DH works away so it really limited when we could DTD but the second cycle of trying (after a 50 day cycle) we went away on holiday thinking that I had already ovulated so we just relaxed and had sex most nights. Used pre-seed and lay with hips tilted up for at least 30 mins after. Sure enough a couple of weeks later we got our BFP.
I started taking sanatogen mother 2 be vitamins, can take 3 months prior trying to conceive. had sex everyday let the cum leak out on its own onto a panty liner. and also held legs in the air afterwards, worked for me :)

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