How many dpo did you get your bfp!


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
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Firstly congratulations!!! Out of interest how many days past ov did you get your first bfp? I was wondering what the longest would be?
I got mine at 12dpo but it was quite strong by then so probably would have shown at about 10dpo :hug:
I think I was 10 days, I got an implant bleed at 7 dpo thought it was AF but when I didnt come on proper I tested. I think someone on here didnt get a BFP til AF was 3 weeks late

DPO - Days past Ovulation
Hiya hon :wave:

I got mine 10dpo, clear blue 12dpo
9dpo :o

I was so shocked though!!

I got my very clear one today at 11dpo
not sure how many DPO i was but didnt get a BFP till AF was 5 days late
I dont know when I ovulate :lol: But I didnt even realised I'd missed a period - Im really bad with dates etc
I got mine a day after AF was due although because my last AF was a m/c it's kind of hard to know when to date from. It was only very very VERY faint (had to confirm with digi to make sure I wasn't imagining colour on an evap line!!) but I guess that would make it 2 weeks po? I don't really know when I ovulate but I am a 29 day cycle so assuming day 14...

I took another test y'day and it is still incredibly faint. Hoping the HCG gets put on overdrive soon so bean sticks around :D
Barbiexx said:
I dont know when I ovulate :lol: But I didnt even realised I'd missed a period - Im really bad with dates etc

Totally the same here.. oops..
x x
Thanks for your answers and wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

i got mine at 9DPO although they were faint until 12/13 DPO :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
rhian85 said:
i got mine at 9DPO although they were faint until 12/13 DPO :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Really? Aww Rhian you have made me feel much better :hug:

I got mine a 9dpo and worried it was too ealry and af would come :(
Barbiexx said:
I dont know when I ovulate :lol: But I didnt even realised I'd missed a period - Im really bad with dates etc

I used to be like that. When the doctor would ask me when my last period was I'd stare blankly and say I'd have to ask my mum maybe she'll know (me aged 35!)
I thought there was a line at 8dpo and at 9 dpo, but then decided they must be evaps that early and binned them... I was using internet cheapies as I didn't want to waste good tests so early :rotfl:

Then at 10dpo I got an obvious + on a FRER and "positive" on a digi, so I couldn't really ignore those, or think I'd imagined them! :lol:

I've taken about 20 tests since, just to make sure, though. :oops: Now that really is wasting good tests (and money).
i waited til 16dpo just cos i couldn't stand the disappointment of seeing a BFN so i had to be really sure!! :lol:

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