How can i do this?

Ill deffo be having an epidural if i feel like i cant do without one and i wont be ashamed of it! I dont think anyone would judge and if they did id be annoyed! x
Your all right, i feel so much calmer about the whole thing now... thanks again all xxx
as riotfox says above just because you have an epidural doesn't make you any better or worse at giving birth. personally and since having an epidural and feeling how amazing it is to give birth but not be in pain I can't understand why anyone would NOT have an epidural (other than worrying about it actually being put in etc).

Like you say you can try other pain relief first and just see how you go - but think about YOURSELF and how you feel you can best cope with delivering the baby. i am DEFINATELY requesting an epidural as soon as they will let me have one, but with my first i did have pethedine (which helped me sleep) and gas and air (which was also FAB!) but the epidural was defo the winner for me! I don't see the point of being in pain if there's an option not to be! I was up and about within a few hours of giving birth and home that afternoon (had her at 2am).

Whichever way you do it, pain relief or not it is still a miracle to bring a baby into the world. At the end of the day you will have a gorgeous baby in your arms and how the baby gets here and what pain relief you did or didn't have is irrelevant - anyone who thinks worse of you for having an epidural isn't worth telling your birth story to anyway!!!!
Im gonna have an epidural definately & as soon as I can!
Id have one now if I could my back hurts so bad lol.
the way I see it is Ive suffered so much through this pregnancy, Ive been appallingly ill from day one & there was nothing the Doctors could do to help that so Im not going to suffer needlessly through labour too!
I was getting my nails done the other week & some bitch sat next to me (another client!) started sticking her beak into our convo when she heard the girl who does my nails ask if I was having an epidural. She said 'Oh you dont want one of those it'll distress the baby & make the baby slow!!!!' she didnt mean drowsy either she meant slow as in the baby would be damaged forever by it!!!! Stupid bitch.
I just said to her 'Look love, me screaming the hospital down like the exorcist & the vocabulary Ill be using if I dont have an epidural will distress the baby more than an epidural ever could, not that its got anything to do with u' that shut her up.
Pisses me off people thinking they are superior just because they dont have any pain relief! My 'friend' said to me in front of my OH & her Husband that I shouldnt have it because it would upset the baby & only bad mothers do it & that she only had gas & air! OH said to her 'Yeah but to the be fair from what Ive heard your fannys that baggy you wouldnt feel a thing anyway' Hahaha.
Its got NOTHING to do with anyone else they can kiss my bum now Im sick of hearing everybody elses 'advice' xxx
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Oh & BTW I asked my Midwife about what the nail salon bitch said & she said its totally untrue x
:rofl: at what your husband said!!! Well done you for sticking up for yourself with that woman too!!
I am feeling less and less scared now i know i can get an Epidural and everyone has made me feel so much better about my decision :) Will deffo get one if i need it now...if anyone says anything i will bite their head off lol, everyones labours are different!

Treeze...i thought you had to stay for a few days if you have an Epidural? thats bothers me too! I hope you don't!
I really want OH to stay in hospital with me too do you think they would let him? xxx
Thanks again is nice to know i am not alone in the way i am feeling! Sunnyb, i find myself thinking the same about being pregnant sometimes too then feel so bad for thinking it. Then i see my baby move and feel nothing but love. I remember i was nervous about feeling her move incase i never liked it but i try to make her move now :) I do feel better now but i know it will come back again...hope it doesn't. I am so glad to have you lot!!! I would go crazy without you girls :) xxx

I'm the same n it's second time round, I think to my self y am I doing this? I've got a lovely little boy as it is? I'm scared that me n oh aren't going to work n I'm goin to b the one left holding the baby so to speak, just like I was first time round, I think what if? Why? As for labor I had everything last time n I'll go with flow this time to, if I manage brill if not get that epidural plugged in? Why not eh why go threw alllll that pain if u can cope with it, don't make me any less of a mum to my child,

I'd just like to say tho, I have all these thoughts n I did more so with my first n I was on my own, I didn't even acknowledge I was pregnant, I didn't bond with him proper, I had horrible labor n post natal plus lots of other issues n u no what he nearly 3 now n I couldn't imagine my life with out him the love I have for him is truly over powering it's crazy, u will be fine, n to this day I do things wrong n learn new ways n skills but that's what all this is, it's a journey n one to enjoy x x x
Vicky I'm glad I wasn't there with that daft bitch in the nail salon. Just shows you how rude and ignorant some people really are.

I've had 2 epidurals with my girls and I don't regret them one bit and neither of them are slow either, far from it. I will be having a epidural with this one if possible (although was going to try water first) I also liked the epidural because it gave me control of what I was doing the pain was panicking me and I couldn't focus. After the epi I fell to sleep and if was the best thing ever.

I was allowed out the day after with my babies after I told them I could wee and poo properly.

You have to do what's right for you at the time, you will know what your body wants and what pain relief you need to get you through it.
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mornin shauna... as far as i know i don't think there's any reason for having to stay in hospital after having an epidural.

I had my epidural put inat about 7pm on the Saturday night... had Josie at 2am... had stitches etc and then they turned it off at about 330am (Sunday morning). They wheeeled me back to the ward on the bed with Josie and then helped me put her in the little cot next to the bed and then i went to sleep for a few hours.

Woke up at 7am and buzzed the nurse to ask them to take the catheter out and let me see if i could get up! So she took it out and then the nurse helped steady me as i stood up but i was fine on my feet and they let me go off to have a shower by myself. So I was up and walking around within 4-5hours of the epidural being turned off. I had stitches but they didn't give me any pain at all - the piles on my bum however were a killer but i had been suffering with these for a couple of weeks so was used to them!!!

I was ready to go home by 1pm, but because Josie was the first girl born on mothers day we had to hang around to be given a bouquet of flowers! Other than that they would have let me out then which was less than 12 hours after she was born.

I think with your first it's about showing the hospital that you're wanting to be up and about and ready to go home. It's only if there's any probs, or you've had a c-section etc they might want to keep you in.

Regarding your other half staying i don't really know about other hospitals... When i was being induced the visiting hours were meant to end at 10pm but they did "Overlook" this for husbands only and let my hubby stay til i fell asleep or til about midnight at the latest. I think they do like them to go home though. However, that will only be if you're not in proper labour.If you are in the early stages and on a ward with other women they might not be willing to let him stay. However if you're in the delivery suite and progressing in labour they wouldn't send him home. That's onlu my experience but it could be different at other hospitals. I know people who have been lucky enough to get a side room and their hubby allowed to stay.

Glad you feeling better about the whole thing.. just go for as much pain relief as youcan - especially the gas and air (while you're waiting for the epidural) I LOVED it... it really does make you feel a bit drunk/lightheaded which is quite a treat after 9 months of no alcohol!!! lol! I was slurring, giggling and stupid on the gas and air - still makes me laugh now!

Take care and enjoy the rest of this lovely weekend x x x
Hey, am sorry you feeling so worried; am sure you will manage better then you think.... you have whatever you need for a safe and comfortable delivery hun; it's your body after all. No one will think anymore or less of you however you do it! You do what is right for you... hugs all round hun.. xx
Thanks girls, i feel so much less worried now and more excited... was at the hospital yestoday. OH sister had her little boy i saw him minutes after he was born, i felt like crying lol. She had to have a c-section as he got stuck as she is very small or i think thats the reason, she done really well though! I was thinking i can't wait til its my turn now!!! She had diamorphine and she was out of it couldn't feel anything hardly, she even had a sleep!!! Maybe i'll try that first. Anyone else had this? Was it good for you? xxx

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