Horse wee?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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The MIL rang last night for a chat and as we were talking she was asking was i breast feeding. I explained that i want to try to extract so that my OH can feed the baby aswell, but if i cant extract im going to bottle feed. She told me she never breast fed any of hers (she has 4) and that if i decide to bottle feed then to ask for the tablets that stop your breasts leaking because it is apparently a horrible feeling and it takes ages for your milk to dry up naturally. Then she started saying that these tablets are made out of horses wee ... now MIL is a tiny bit of a fruit loop on an ordinary day but is this just one of her nutty moments or are these tablets really made out of horses wee?
Hi :)
I just rang my friend on this one,they are made from a hormone that can be found in a mare's urine. it is a synthetic version of the natural stuff,I am not even sure if they still give these tablets to dry your milk up as my sisters were both doing bottle feeding and they were left to their own devices on drying up...I wouldnt know as I BF.

Anyway good luck

Oh good god thats awful! Im not even sure id want to take them now, thats crazy!
I have always left my milk supply to dry up on its own,it really isn't that bad just leaky nips for a while :D xx
it is the synthetic hormone they re-create so you aren't getting the horses hormone just something based on it,like man made faux leather not real but looks it,lol.

Just let them dry up naturally...
sounds like a plan, dont know whether im more gutted about the fact it is horses wee, or the fact i have to admit MIL isnt a complete and utter fruit loop! Well she is still a fruit loop, but apparently not a complete one! she also told me mountain goats have one leg shorter than the other three so they dont fall off mountains ... please oh please tell me that ones one of her nutty moments!
thats not true lol

It hasnt got horses wee in the medication to dry up your milk just a synthetic hormone based on dont be gutted as it isnt what you think,lol

I would just let them dry up on their own. I think its a personal chose to take the tablets or not, but my milk didnt take long to dry up at all as I bottle fed.
my milk didnt take long at all to dry up hun

certainly will not be taking horse wee to help it along :rotfl:
:rotfl: ewwwwwwwww

its like if ur induced the gel or wateva they use is made of pig sperm :shock:

glad i wasnt induced
yeh coz the sperm disolves some of the placenta or wateva n help you waters break i think :?
yuk really glad iam not being induced :puke:

so for all them woman that are really wanting their babies out, just need to nip to the local farm??
maybe......but what u have just said made me laugh my head off cheered me up no ends :rotfl: :rotfl:
fingerscrossed said:
The MIL rang last night for a chat and as we were talking she was asking was i breast feeding. I explained that i want to try to extract so that my OH can feed the baby aswell, but if i cant extract im going to bottle feed. She told me she never breast fed any of hers (she has 4) and that if i decide to bottle feed then to ask for the tablets that stop your breasts leaking because it is apparently a horrible feeling and it takes ages for your milk to dry up naturally. Then she started saying that these tablets are made out of horses wee ... now MIL is a tiny bit of a fruit loop on an ordinary day but is this just one of her nutty moments or are these tablets really made out of horses wee?

OMG :shock:
BubbleB said:
:rotfl: ewwwwwwwww

its like if ur induced the gel or wateva they use is made of pig sperm :shock:

glad i wasnt induced

PIG SPERM! jesus ... im being induced on friday! between horses pee and pigs sperm i may as well open some kind of sick animal farm! ooooooooooooh! now instead of thinking about my babi being born im just going to think of porky pig getting his jollies off ... im going now ... to cry ... when my son says to me "mummy how was i born?" im going 2 have to say this little went to market, this little piggy satyed at home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none and this little piggy made mummy go into labour and here you are! :cry:

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