Horrible feeling..


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Tmi! but I have this horrible feeling as if someone is chewing on my nipples.. my boobs have been leaking for quite some time now but now i think its blocked and its really started to iritate.. is ther some sort of cream i can get to get rid of this feeling?
Yes hun there are lots of different types of nipple creams.. That will moisturise and sooth irritated nipples. Lansinoh seems to be the best, but asda have their own range in the "Little Angels".. It's quite a big tube and it's 2 for £2! Would be worth giving those a go if you weren't looked to spend too much, hope you feel better soon xx

Also, are you wearing breast pads? If you aren't and are leaking into your bra that can also cause irritation xx
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Yes I am wearing breast pads, I will have to look into some of that cream! :)
Do :)

Are your boobs sore to the touch and quite lumpy? If it's just your nipples I say you'll be fine after a few goes of the cream.. But if it's boobs as well I would ask your mw about it xx
no they dont hurt when i touch them they just tingle , horrible feeling! i wil try that cream anyway and see if that helps :)
Ooh ouch, hope that cream sorts it out!

I brought a tube of Lansinoh already on RM's recomendation , (I know it's early days), but Sainsburys had it for half price - was still £4.99 a tube. You might want to see if there half price baby sale is on near you still, it was only less than 2 weeks ago here , and may still be on.
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I've have a similar problem where my nipples have been so sore feels like they are either freezing cold or burning up, but not leaking. Might invest in some of this cream to help.
Sorry Charlene for just jumping in on your post, hope you get some relief from the cream. xxx
I went to go and get some yesterday from my morrisons store! £9.99 it was :( couldnt afford it so just bought baby a outfit again :O hes so spoilt

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