HOOOOME!! *update had blood test*


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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Hey girls!
im home now.. gosh!! well they let me go, and i have to go back tomorrow at some point to get my blood taken again and to see if its doubled, and if it hasnt doubled then its a likely ectopic.. aaaand i have a scan booked for 11.30 on tuesday just to check everything.

Desperately praying everything is ok :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
take it easy at home and I hope everything works out ok. :pray: :hug:
my thoughts are with you and im praying for you.
Do you feel that everythings ok? I ask because iv just been discharged from hospital after them investigating an ectopic, my family were beside themselves with worry but i was absolutely fine. i just knew that everything was ok and i think because its your body you know more than anyone else :hug:
yeah Keelie i feel absolutely fine.. i only ache when im walking around, which can be expected... Im fine if i rest :)
I'm glad they finally let you home hun! :cheer:

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping everything's ok :pray:
I'm glad you're home, I'm sure you'll be feeling better for it. I praying that everything looks ok with you blood tomorrow.
You take it easy my girl! Good luck for tomorrow x
take it easy and rest as much as possible - good luck tomorrow :hug:
Well i've had my blood test, very quick and actually quite painless!!
I'm a bit annoyed though - she said i won't get my results til Tuesday, the day of my scan!!! i was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!! When i had a blood test on friday i had the results in about 5 hours.. Argh :? :( :(

So now i have to wait til Tuesday.. Gosh. If this is ectopic, then in theory i could have dropped dead by then. Stupid bloody hospital.
:hug: I am glad you came home yesterday.

It is a pain that things take long, I am sure everything is fine, maybe one reason why they are not going to get your results quicker as they probably think the same :hug:

Good luck with the scan hun :hug:
im sorry you have to wait so long :(

fingers crossed all ok for tuesday, :hug: :pray:
Damn bank holiday!! Why does the world have to stop!
(except me coz Im working today :roll: )

Lots of luck for tomorrow,I'll be thinking of you :hug:
Thanks for all the nice messages girls, i'll defo update you as soon as i get home from scan and blood results :hug:

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