Emergancy scan tomorrow -suspected ectopic pregnancy UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Hi all just a quick note to let you all know that i have an emergancy scan tomorrow at some point, the gp is phoning me in the morning to let me know when it is booked for as i have just got back from seeing her. Should be tomorrow afternoon.

I posted about the pains i was having last week and futher to that at college today i had to be told to go home as i was doubled over with pain, i didn't want to seem silly and go to the gp but my mum made me go down to see her.
She examined me and found the pain to be coming from the left side and suspects and ectopic pregnancy although she said she is sending me as a precaution rather than expecting it to be.

Please pray for my bubs to be ok, i'm not going to be posting until tomorrow when i knw for sure, going to have a nice hot bath and an early night with OH as we are both wanting lots of cuddles and hoping for the best.

But on a posative note, i have had no bleeding and if it was an ectopic wouldn't i have had more pain already with me being 10 weeks gone???
Last time with the twins it was suspected ectopic but then led to a MC after the prodded and poked me to much ( i believe ). So tomorrow i just want the scan and that is all.

Hi all, thanks so much for your kind words and thinking about me, All is FINE with peanut, saw it moving about and the lil heartbeat. My tubes and ovaries were checked and no problems found as to why all the problems and pain, i just cant stop smiling that everything worked out good when we was prepared for the worse.
Thankyou to all your ladies for the support, i have a scan pic and will post in a minute ( if i know how too)
:hug: :hug: :hug: MissSara :hug: :hug: :hug:
All I would say is that they tend to use terminology which assumes the worst, so until tomz you really don't know, so I'm praying for you and your OH that your LO is just fine in there, and the pains are something else entirely. Have lots of BIG cuddles and very, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug: :pray: :pray: :pray:

I had early bleeding with Isaac and they called it 'threatened miscarriage' which is just their term for unexplained bleeding which is common, but they used such a negative term.
Hi hun

I will be thinking of you and sending you lots of positive thoughts tomorrow.

I was sent for an emergency scan with Jacob as they suspected he was ectopic, but he was fine so fingers crossed for your bubs.

:pray: everything going to be ok for you and bubs hun. Like Redshoes I also had early bleeding and they called it threatened miscarriage and also had to have scan as I had pain on one side and they thought it could of been ectopic. They just have to take precautions.

All the best :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: Sending you lots of positive vibes for tomorrow hun :hug: You'll be in my thoughts :pray: ing everthing is ok.
Ahhh sweetie, all the best ! :pray: ing for you

:hug: :hug: :hug:
So sad to read this...

:pray: :pray: :pray: for tomorrow. I'll be looking out for your message and I'm really hoping everything works out well for you xxx
Everything will be allright. :hug: Sometimes they want to make sure the pains are not abnormal and so this precaution. Lots of hugs for you and take good care of yourself. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no, please try not to worry too much hun. It could be anything (I alway's get pain's in my left side, have done for about 4 year's now sometimes I am doubled over, I suspect it's my colon because I get it if I havent been pooing regular :oops: ).

Good luck :pray:
Will be thinking of you tomorrow hun fingers crossed everything is ok and its just baby settling in

:pray: :pray: :pray:
Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow and that it is just normal growing pains :pray:
Really hope everything goes well for you tomorrow hun :hug: :hug:

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