homemade baby food v manufactured baby food (from shops)

Squiglet said:
We all know pre processed foods are bad...but it's expensive buying fresh and organic all the time...and some mums can't afford that. I don't think it matters what we feed our kids...jar, home made, breast or bottle....we should just be grateful our babies live in a world where they never have to worry about hunger or starvation.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Well said Squiglet!

How would natural mamma explain how i suffered PND as a result of not being able to breastfeed Isla. Does THAT make me a bad mother as i had to use formula?
I disagree that the jars are tastleless. I think that a lot of the jarred food tastes very nice and Joe likes them.

We stick what we are eating most nights in a blender for Joe but he isnt too keen on Fajitas so we give him jars then. He gets a jar for lunch nearly every day.
I guess i score full marks for stirring up yet another hornets nest. :roll: ..I apologise if my comments make you feel so inadequate that you have to attack me personally and my opinions with such vitriol.
I suspect i won't be replying to any further comments on this thread.
I apologise if my comments make you feel so inadequate that you have to attack me personally and my opinions with such vitriol.
Inadequate, me, get real darling. Im a good mother and im not going to let some strange human being with her EDUCATION tell me otherwise. :roll:
Natural mamma said:
I guess i score full marks for stirring up yet another hornets nest. :roll: ..I apologise if my comments make you feel so inadequate that you have to attack me personally and my opinions with such vitriol.
I suspect i won't be replying to any further comments on this thread.

:bored: :bored: :bored:
I have a little present for you natural mamma
wear it with pride



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