homemade baby food v manufactured baby food (from shops)

Adele said:
Crikey I'm surprised Chloe isn't dead by now then! As we dont drive yet and are not in walking distance to any decent shops its hard to get fresh stuff in, so she mainly lives off of the cow and gate jars which i might add she loves. I think it is down to personal circumstance, and no one should be made to think that they're not doing whats best for their LO's just because they don't make them fresh foods everyday. Chloe is healthy, lively and doing fine, this just goes back to the breast/formula debate.

Sorry if any of this has sounded harsh but why should parents be frowned upon for feeding their babys formula or jarred food?

I agree with you, i did the whole fresh food thing for a while becasue my mum told me too! then i got fed up and used the same jars as you, there fab and stephen found them tasty too and he thrived on them and he was formula fed - were in the same club! Plus at the end iof the day with a baby is tiring enough with all the household stuff without mashing up bloody food!
With DD I dont think anything was homemade :oops: She lived off packets and jars. Now 14 years later I know better! I got a blender/mixer for when he's older but for now have a hand blender which was about £3 in tesco and doing purees, putting them in ice cube bags and in the freezer.

This time round i cant believe how expensive manufactured baby food is and have no idea why i didnt give DD homemade stuff :?
i weaned Harley with jars i trust them more then myself they are the experts!

once he was up to 3 jars a day (7months)
i then made every thing myself i have a routine that every sunday i get al fresh food in make it all up at the same time i am doing a roast dinner then put it all into 7 seperate lunchboxs to use through the week
I had to make my own food up for Tia. She got a Rota virus at 5 months and it stripped the lining of her stomach and left her intolerant to cows milk. It wasn't too bad as she was breast fed and eventually grew out of it, but I don't think mums realise quite how many of these store brought baby foods have cows milk in them...lots and lots...and it just became too much hassel having to constantly read the jars or worse, when it says no cows milk, try it out only to find it does and have three days of baby diarrea.. :puke: . Even Heinz baked beans and bacon baby food (Tia's favorite) at cows milk in it...and you're told not to give cows milk to babies under a year old...so what's it doing in baby food, whats it got to do with baked beans and bacon????? :think:

There are some nice baby food blenders out on the market at the moment, and if you buy some of those advent breast milk pots they serve their function as baby food holders quite well. :hug:
It all about how vitamins are absorbed by the body....the body finds it easier to absorb nutrients from natural sources...the fresher the food the higher the nutrients...the body finds it hard to recognise vitamins that are man made and added to supplement the lack of freshness and therefore vitamin content. this is basic science (i am studying a bcs (hons ) in homeopathy so i do know what i am waffling on about).....

This is also the case with formula milk the body finds it far harder to digest and as you all know the pro's and cons of this i won't waffle on......

But what does amaze me is that despite mothers been given all this information and advice ie breast is best and fresh food is the healthiest option....THAT MOTHERS then go on to make a decision that goes against this sound advice...what logic is there to that ...you love your child yet don't want to give it the best...doesn't make any sense to me....

I know our personal circumstance all vary...but i personally would go without to provide the very best for my offspring. i'm not saying that formula and jarred food makes for unhealthy babies...its later on health issues arise due to the lack of all the best stuff as a baby...obesity, low immune systems, ALLERGIES leading to eczema and asthma , behavioral problems but to name a few...these can all in nearly all cases lead back to poor nutrition at the start of life.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone but i am doing my degree in order to help and educate people so they don't get sick in the first place...and to help heal those that do.....i find it hard to read some of the opinions on this forum which seem to undermine basic health issues.

The bottom line is that processed food is CRAP compared to FRESH and breast is BEST
Natural mamma said:
The bottom line is that processed food is CRAP compared to FRESH and breast is BEST

Well, making statements like that you're bound to offend MANY people. Clever you! :clap: :clap: :clap:
But what does amaze me is that despite mothers been given all this information and advice ie breast is best and fresh food is the healthiest option....THAT MOTHERS then go on to make a decision that goes against this sound advice...what logic is there to that ...you love your child yet don't want to give it the best...doesn't make any sense to me....

YES mothers are given this information but mothers are also given the right to choose what is best for them and their babys .

There are probley many mums out there who would love to breast feed but cant for personal reasons .

There are probley many mums out there who dont agree with what your saying i.e breast is best and fresh food is the healthiest option.

i personally would go without to provide the very best for my offspring. i'm not saying that formula and jarred food makes for unhealthy babies...its later on health issues arise due to the lack of all the best stuff as a baby...obesity, low immune systems, ALLERGIES leading to eczema and asthma , behavioral problems but to name a few...these can all in nearly all cases lead back to poor nutrition at the start of life.

Just cause mums choose to bottle feed and used jarred food doesnt mean they dont want the best for there children .

You say if our babys are feed by formula and jarred food issues arise later on in life .
That is a load of rubbish i know many of babys/children that have been feed by the breast and have been brought up on fresh food and some of them have still ended up with some of the problems above.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone but i am doing my degree in order to help and educate people so they don't get sick in the first place...and to help heal those that do......

SO you should be sorry because im sorry to say this but you have certainly offended myself and probley many other mums who want to either bottle feed or jar feed .

Dont get me wrong you are saying you are trying to help people but this is not away to go around it .

If anything you will upset people with what you saying so how is this helping people ?

i find it hard to read some of the opinions on this forum which seem to undermine basic health issues

You say you find it hard to read some peoples opinions on this forum , WELL i find it hard and extremely uncomfortable reading your post on here at least when other people express there opinions they go about it the right way and not end up upsetting people who wish to do things in a certain way to thereselves .

If bottle feeding and jar feeding is that bad and unhealthly for are babies then why is it that shops are still allowed to serve these items and they havent been removed off the selves .
The bottom line is that processed food is CRAP compared to FRESH and breast is BEST

AND then you go and type this :wall: :wall:

What was the point in this , there are many mums on here who breast feed and also use non jarred food and they dont go and put this :x :x :x .

ONCE again its whats best for the MUM and its up to the MUM to choose whats best for their baby and if that means bottle feeding and using jarred food then ts their chose they dont need to be put down by people like yourself .

ANYWAY im choosing whats best for my daughter and thats bottle feeding and i am actual proud to say it .



Now apoliges to the rest of the forum for my little rant but i found this post deeply offensive towards people who choose to bottle feed and jar feed their babys.

I have no problems with people who breast feed or who do not jar feed .

I have a problem with people who turn around and say if you bottle feed and jarred feed then you are not proving your baby with the best that is aload of rubbish.

Natural mama who made you a expert? Im deeply offended by your post and the other ladies who have gone spare have every right too.

You have stirred up a hell of a hornets nest, but i wont say no more, because despite your opinions on mothers like me that have bottle fed and given my child jarred food (god forbid) I know that im a fantastic mother, and my son loves me and is happy and healthy.

No MOTHER could ask for more
Natural mamma said:
i am doing my degree in order to help and educate people so they don't get sick in the first place...and to help heal those that do.....i find it hard to read some of the opinions on this forum which seem to undermine basic health issues.

We don't need you "educating" us thank you. This intolerant attitude does not fit well with the "mother earth" persona you are trying to convey, you are just coming across as opinionated and argumentative
People have different opinions, deal with it. If you find it so "hard to read" some of them, please turn off your computer and walk away rather than set out to deliberatley offend people.

This , along with the "bottle or BREAST" thread are just pushing away moms who, in the future may well want to ask for advice on, for example a breastfeeding problem they have.
They will remember opinionated people like you and won't bother asking for help for fear of your opinions being rammed down their throats. It does more harm to your "causes" than good, trust me.
I know our personal circumstance all vary...but i personally would go without to provide the very best for my offspring. i'm not saying that formula and jarred food makes for unhealthy babies...its later on health issues arise due to the lack of all the best stuff as a baby...obesity, low immune systems, ALLERGIES leading to eczema and asthma , behavioral problems but to name a few...these can all in nearly all cases lead back to poor nutrition at the start of life.

Really? Lets go to obesity, this is my son,the one who was fed jarred food and had formula milk, does he look obese to you?

For his age and height he is perfect and those were the words of my health visitor.And my own.

Did you also know that asthma and ezecma are linked? neither of them cant be helped, and my child has both and its not down to his diet, its down to genetics! My husband has ezecma and asthma and told me when we had children that we would be likely to have children with the same condition as it runs throughout all his family.
And as for behavior problems :rotfl: dont make me laugh, all toddlers have a degree of behavioral problems, its part and parcel of having kids.

You ought to sit back and think about what you have said on here and realise that your opinons areant to be forced upon others. Be ashamed!!
RIGHT............my little one is fed on jars and fresh finger foods he has been under a consultant for reflux for the last 4 months anyway my LO is FORMULA FED AS WELL AS JAR FED - formula fed for medical reasons last time we saw the consultant he asked for his typical daily diet, i explained about the jars and what i have read about them on here (not this actual post) he said the followin


This is NOT another BF thread (thank God!), please stay on topic.

Rhian, your gorgeous little boy certainly looks the picture of health :D
Grrr I'm getting a bit sick of all this to be honest.

rhian85 said:
Tasha20 said:
Natural mamma said:
breast is BEST

100% agree


Calm down :lol: As you may of noticed I deleted it before anyone posted, as I thought it would get a reaction when I was intending to get one.

Oh I dont even know why im bloody explaining myself
Totally agree with Urchin and the other ladies on this thread who have their heads screwed on. What a ridiculous offensive post. Come into the real world, earth mamma or whatever your name is! :roll:
Tasha20 said:
] Calm down :lol: As you may of noticed I deleted it before anyone posted, as I thought it would get a reaction when I was intending to get one.

when I was intending to get one.

was that a type error :lol:
Natural mamma said:
The bottom line is that processed food is CRAP compared to FRESH and breast is BEST

How intolerant. Breast is not always best. You obviously live in some weirdo world and the cooment about you educating people, all you have one is get peoples back up insinuating that they dont love their children because they give them jars.
well im a jar personat the moment as i need a new blender, but i got one this weekend to sort it out and will be making more. There is sod all wrong with some jars, i tend to go for the organic sort and its a quick easy way for food. yes id rather make my own, but if i havent the time i havent the time :roll: i wont beat myself up over it :wall: :rotfl:

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