But what does amaze me is that despite mothers been given all this information and advice ie breast is best and fresh food is the healthiest option....THAT MOTHERS then go on to make a decision that goes against this sound advice...what logic is there to that ...you love your child yet don't want to give it the best...doesn't make any sense to me....
YES mothers are given this information but mothers are also given the right to choose what is best for them and their babys .
There are probley many mums out there who would love to breast feed but cant for personal reasons .
There are probley many mums out there who dont agree with what your saying i.e breast is best and fresh food is the healthiest option.
i personally would go without to provide the very best for my offspring. i'm not saying that formula and jarred food makes for unhealthy babies...its later on health issues arise due to the lack of all the best stuff as a baby...obesity, low immune systems, ALLERGIES leading to eczema and asthma , behavioral problems but to name a few...these can all in nearly all cases lead back to poor nutrition at the start of life.
Just cause mums choose to bottle feed and used jarred food doesnt mean they dont want the best for there children .
You say if our babys are feed by formula and jarred food issues arise later on in life .
That is a load of rubbish i know many of babys/children that have been feed by the breast and have been brought up on fresh food and some of them have still ended up with some of the problems above.
I'm sorry if this offends anyone but i am doing my degree in order to help and educate people so they don't get sick in the first place...and to help heal those that do......
SO you should be sorry because im sorry to say this but you have certainly offended myself and probley many other mums who want to either bottle feed or jar feed .
Dont get me wrong you are saying you are trying to help people but this is not away to go around it .
If anything you will upset people with what you saying so how is this helping people ?
i find it hard to read some of the opinions on this forum which seem to undermine basic health issues
You say you find it hard to read some peoples opinions on this forum , WELL i find it hard and extremely uncomfortable reading your post on here at least when other people express there opinions they go about it the right way and not end up upsetting people who wish to do things in a certain way to thereselves .
If bottle feeding and jar feeding is that bad and unhealthly for are babies then why is it that shops are still allowed to serve these items and they havent been removed off the selves .
The bottom line is that processed food is CRAP compared to FRESH and breast is BEST
AND then you go and type this
What was the point in this , there are many mums on here who breast feed and also use non jarred food and they dont go and put this

ONCE again its whats best for the MUM and its up to the MUM to choose whats best for their baby and if that means bottle feeding and using jarred food then ts their chose they dont need to be put down by people like yourself .
ANYWAY im choosing whats best for my daughter and thats bottle feeding and i am actual proud to say it .
Now apoliges to the rest of the forum for my little rant but i found this post deeply offensive towards people who choose to bottle feed and jar feed their babys.
I have no problems with people who breast feed or who do not jar feed .
I have a problem with people who turn around and say if you bottle feed and jarred feed then you are not proving your baby with the best that is aload of rubbish.