homemade baby food v manufactured baby food (from shops)


hahaha egnor me. i have been sat at my desk since 7.30am

its getting to me a bit now :sleep:
go drink a large glass of wine!!! :wall: no more wine for me, and a xmas with no drinking :shakehead:
Thats what im doing tonight, I have a bottle of non alchoholic wine and a chicken korma and will enjoy it
i may have to go out and buy some non alcoholic, and fill the wine cooler right up. keep me going :dance:
Im really enjoying mine right now, its ice cold and my baby is enjoying it too along with the tub of ben and jerrys :rotfl:

I thought I would add my two penny worth here too!

I do a bit of both... I give Logan whatever we are eating if it is healthy or we use jars if its not... ie I am not going to give him oven chips and pie! I have to say that my little man is eating more fruit and veg than both me and hubby put together!

Regarding the salt issue.... there can be a lot of salt in baby foods (naturally occuring salt - just becasue it says no added salt doesn't mean that there isn't any in there) ... just look on the labels...... it is written as sodium.

A 0.5 reading is classed as high and some baby foods have readings of 1. Not all of them I will add.... some of the hipp ones have readings of 0.04. I am only putting this in because if you do want to use jars then be careful that your baby doesn't have too many jars of the ones that have a sodium reading of 1! An adults allowance of salt is 6g per day, 5g per day for 7-10 yr olds and about 1g per day for babies)
just thought id add my bit
emma has been jar fed every day and i dont feel guilty at all i would love to make fresh food for her but just dont have the time, usually she enjoys joining us at the dinner table where i can slip her my peas and carrots and potatos (all cooked with no salt) hopefully now that iv got my new blender i can do more fresh food but i will continue to use the jars as she loves them, as its been said before its each to their own so laetita (sp :oops: ) you should do what feels best for you at the time :hug:
My baby is bottle fed and also jar and homade fed and shes fine and healthy. Who are you to dictate what is right and wrong for us, you dont even know us. I think you should get of your fooking high horse and come back down to earth for a reality check deary :roll:
Mel&Hope said:
Who are you to dictate what is right and wrong for us, you dont even know us. I think you should get of your fooking high horse and come back down to earth for a reality check deary :roll:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Couldn't have said it better myself :D
silly trout, i couldnt give a monkeys arse what she thinks of my parenting skills, beacuse at the end of the day, look at all of us mummys. Our parents never had all the health tips about these things, being told to make food from fresh and look at us were all fighting fit with wonderful children that are also healthy. what a loads of codswollop :roll:
are we doing to much to keep our children healthy today ? i mean all these germ killing products - they didnt have that kind of thing when our great grand parents were alive did they :D we seem to have more infections/bugs around than thay had years ago ? i thnk they lived longer back then as well i mean my gran is 83 and still running around going to plant shows etc and she is as sharp as they come plenty of marbles left in there yet :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

so what ever happend to the way they brought children up years ago - bet they didint steralize bottles in the 40s :rotfl: :rotfl: and babies were weaned very very early like my gran was and my god shes healthier than me :rotfl: :rotfl:

what do u ladies think ? :think: :think:
My mum wasn't able to breast feed my older sister, who turns 40 this year, because she'd had breast surgery whilst PG. My sister was fed from DAY ONE on tins of EVAPORATED MILK!!!!!!!!!!

She is drop dead gorgeous, perfect size 8/10 despite having two kids of her own, and has a very high powered job, so she's not lacking in the brain department.
She's also completely healthy, never suffered from anything major.

Just goes to show. Imagine if you told your HV today you were going to feed your baby evaporated milk from tins!!!!!!!!!! They'd have social services onto you!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
my mum used to put whiskey on my dummy to send me to sleep, can you imagine if you done THAT now! :rotfl:

Mind you, it used to be a lot easier to breastfeed before formula was invented, because women who couldnt or didnt want to breastfeed used wet nurses. Women who encouraged their milk supply to continue after feeding their own children, so they could be employed to breastfeed other womens babies!
Sammystar said:
Just goes to show. Imagine if you told your HV today you were going to feed your baby evaporated milk from tins!!!!!!!!!! They'd have social services onto you!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

very good, very true :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
glitzyglamgirl said:
my mum used to put whiskey on my dummy to send me to sleep, can you imagine if you done THAT now! :rotfl:

Gold label my nan used to put on ours :shock:
Sammystar said:
My sister was fed from DAY ONE on tins of EVAPORATED MILK!!!!!!!!!!

At least one of my SIL's was too and she is a perfectly healthy 33 year old with 3 kids of her own. Not saying that it good or anything but it makes you think how people did it different years ago. Some of the stories my nan used to tell me about her kids when they were young were mad. She used to try to get me to give Jess a bottle of tea with sugar in it when she was 6 months old.
I cook and freeze EVERYTHING but realistically when I'm in France on holidays camping that is just not going to be an option and while I will still try and feed Rowan as much fresh food as possible I'm not going to beat myself up if I feed him from jars on occasion. I think there is a time and a place for everything. My main beef with jars is how god awful they taste and frankly they all taste the same to me. It seems to me hardly any wonder than when kids then progress on to adult food they start getting picky as they are not use to stronger flavours.
If I had my way I'd ban childrens menu's aswell. :wink: It always makes me laugh in restaurants when my daughter presented with the childrens menu asks the waiter if she can please have some real food :rotfl:
Josh hates children's menus - hasn't eaten from them in years... :?

We always loved finding restauraunts that would serve child size portions of normal food, or we would just pay for an adult meal and let him leave some :D
Well my mum was told to drink at least two shots of brandy then breast feed me to help me sleep....by her HV :shock:

I'm really lucky with Tia...the Spanish schooling system give the kids the most amazing food. All home cooked on site...3 course meals with a salad/soup for starters, meat and 2 veg for main and either fruit or milk for afters. The kids get the choice of one meal only or not eating. Now I take Tia out for meals, she selects salads or soups or meat and eats it without complaining...

Last year I sent her to an English school and she wouldn't eat because the food was cooked off site and brought in then reheated and consisted of Cr*p really (fish fingers/chicken nuggets chips).

We all know pre processed foods are bad...but it's expensive buying fresh and organic all the time...and some mums can't afford that. I don't think it matters what we feed our kids...jar, home made, breast or bottle....we should just be grateful our babies live in a world where they never have to worry about hunger or starvation.

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