Holly's First Tri diary thread


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Don't want to head into first tri, so thought I'd by-pass it altogether and start a thread up here instead so I can talk to myself :) I'll go into 2nd tri proper come the time.


Well officially it was af day today and happy to report it didn't show, so that's one hurdle over.

I am getting the pregnancy so far that I hoped for, the one where I could test on 25mlu tests and the one where I didn't even feel pregnant so I wouldn't worry, you know the ones where people find out months later and had no idea so therefore avoided all the worry!. If I didn't know any better I would just say I am getting some tummy niggles and I've eaten too much!

Went to the doctors yesterday and she thought my tests were fine and accepted them as positives (not like last time where they wanted to see darker lines) and I am just to make an appointment with the midwife at 10 weeks (6 weeks time 28th November) -- doesn't seem like far away!

I am getting some sharp uncomfortable twinges high up in my stomach today, hope it's nothing, apart from that I feel fine. No sickness and no sore bbs this time, just occasional twinges. Tired all the time though.

I am a bit scared. Hubby tells me not to be, he's so positive this time, I try to be, but it is hard. I wake up and for a split second I've forgotton I'm pregnant (couldn't do that last time as it hurt so much) then I panic that I'm not, then I start getting the belly twinges and it's like phew!!! but then it's what if these arent normal twinges?!!!

I'm going to remember the lovely Anna's words - different sperm and egg - and it feels so much like a different pregnancy. Been saying those words in my head alot.

I'm wishing the next 3 weeks away, I hope they fly by.
heyy great idea ....although i am gettin a bit worried now because of the faint line thing.
i took 2 cheap 1s n they was faint but see-able and 1 first responce which was darker .....
but i had faint line ones with the cheapo 1s i used lst time and i had a miscarriage soo does this mean i should b worried


Larisa not neccessarily, plenty ladies here got faint lines and had their babies. :hug:


Well still no blood yay :cheer: Doing 1,000% better than last time.
Bbs have swelled right up - hope the next 8 month is as boring as this :pray:
HollyHobby said:
I'm going to remember the lovely Anna's words - different sperm and egg - and it feels so much like a different pregnancy. Been saying those words in my head alot.

I'm wishing the next 3 weeks away, I hope they fly by.

aww ty holly you made me blub saying the lovely anna :oops: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

its all looking positive this time, i'm so happy for you
don't you blub or you'll have me blubbing :hug:
i don't want to get too confident but it looks like this time will be ok. It's got to be I have the pram already!! and highchair, bouncy chair, blanket, clothes... erm books for like when it's 5 :oops:
awwww bless i so hope it goes well for you, i'm feeling positive for ya :hug: :hug: i not got much for this one yet lol i was given a lovelyl moses basket (winny the poo which is no longer sold anymore) and a lovely play mat with a few toys to go on the play bit, i must get some pics for ya :D also i was given loads of clothes last time so i still got them but not sure if i'll use them, we will see after the scan :D (most are for a girl and i suspect i'm having a boy so i might not use them lol) oh ye and i got the high chair i used when i had emma so i think i'll use that one this time :cheer:
Anna I did make a make a booboo buying some clothes now :oops: well it's due June but it'll be wearing a few clothes with a ski-ing bunny on it and some with snowflakes on :rotfl: I just didnt think!!!

You are lucky you were given stuff and have stuff. I don't know anyone who would have anything to pass on, thats one of the downsides of doing this at this age, no freebies! Still, got plenty of good charity shops, got some great outfits from Scope for like 50p - 75p. I bought some dungarees for 50p and some almost exactly the same new for a fiver!

hehe it's dead exciting, I love sitting going through all the bits and bobs I've bought, everythings so tiny!

Anna I think i'm having a girl, let's wait and see if we were both right :hug:
not at all as long as the param isn't in your house before the birth then there is no problem, your not jinxing it or anything your just being well prepared, i'm not buying anything becasue i just find it hard to even look at baby stuff (i'm scared to) let alone buy anything however after my scan i think i'll start settling down and start buying stuff, although i'm starting to get used to the idea i'm going to have a baby and imagining me feeding this lil one, having it with us and imagining what it'll be like :D i've a mental picture in my mind of where everything will be etc...
holly if i have a boy and you have a girl i'll be happy to send loads of girl clothes to you :D ohhh charity shops are a god send lol i love them (i brought alot of stuff for emma and james from charity shops and my clothes as i was on a long income being a sigle mum then) aww i bet it's nice going through everything you have i'd love to see pics if you got any? :D
haha a girl :lol: tehy are soooooo cute and sweet BUT little munchkins when they are tots :lol: :lol: well emma was/is
Hey anna, I'll put some pics up later :cheer: Been charity shopping again yesterday and found one with a 20p bin! Got some nice pieces too! Most of the stuff looks unworn and i'm saving a bomb! I mean, 20p for a jacket!! can't compain at that!

Anna I'm laughing at the mental image of imagining what everything will be like and in mine it's kind of well behaved and stays where I want it to stay, never cries or is sick - i think i'll be in for a shock :)

I think i'll go back to bed, dont know why I'm up - woke up for a pee and took my temp so thought i'd update my chart, now i'm starving!! I seem to be hungry all the time, and there is no filling me. I'm going to have to control what I'm eating :?
HollyHobby said:
Hey anna, I'll put some pics up later :cheer: Been charity shopping again yesterday and found one with a 20p bin! Got some nice pieces too! Most of the stuff looks unworn and i'm saving a bomb! I mean, 20p for a jacket!! can't compain at that!
how cool, ye charity shops are great to get baby stuff lol 20p is great for a jacket :cheer:

HollyHobby said:
Anna I'm laughing at the mental image of imagining what everything will be like and in mine it's kind of well behaved and stays where I want it to stay, never cries or is sick - i think i'll be in for a shock :)
:rotfl: :rotfl: if thats whay your mental immage is you are going to have a massive shock :lol: :lol: although my 2 are quite well behaved they still have their moments it's a shame we don't have remote controls for them :rotfl: :rotfl:

HollyHobby said:
I think i'll go back to bed, dont know why I'm up - woke up for a pee and took my temp so thought i'd update my chart, now i'm starving!! I seem to be hungry all the time, and there is no filling me. I'm going to have to control what I'm eating :?
ohh i'm terible for eating atm, we had pancakes for breckky :cheer: so i got up early to make them but then again i was in bed asleep by 7pm last night
How fantastic you're preg hon!!!

Just wanted to say be prpared for "period" type pains over the next few weeks, don;t be worried its just ur uterus growing!..

Can i reccomend what to expect when you're expecting? It was fab when I was expectiong and had every question possible in there...

Many congrats and best of luck

Good luck hun! just wanted to say i know how your feeling, i lost two before we got Macey and i never really stopped worrying until i saw her and held her in my arms!

I found myself setting a goal to get to each scan and was truly amazed when i got to them, i had scans at 7 weeks, 9 weeks (private scan due to a bleed), 12 weeks, 20 weeks, private scan at 20 weeks to find out the scan, then 28 weeks, 30, 32, 34, 36 weeks, due to diabetes, i know the ones at the end were to monitor her size, but if you want piece of mind and you can afford them, the private scans were £70 and they kept me sane!

Nothing wrong with buying pram etc if thats what you want to do, i must admit i didnt buy any clothes until 13 weeks then it was 2 outfits until we found out the sex at 20 weeks

As Sharne says, dont worry about it if you get afew cramps they are normal, i also had light brown bleeding around 8 and 12 weeks which scared me to death due to the two losses but was absolutely fine

Hi Holly :wave:

I've been reading your posts on the TTC section, and was really pleased for you when you got your BFP. I got mine today too, and it looks like we're due within days of each other! I almost don't want to believe it yet because it's such early days, and I'm worrying every time I get AF like pains, even though I know it's perfectly normal. This is my first pregnancy, and although I've never suffered a loss, I'll be following your diary - mostly to reassure myself that all my paranoid worries are perfectly normal!!!

Here's to a happy and healthy nine months for us both! :cheer:
I found this site http://www.tubal-reversal.net/pregnancy ... p#showdate and going to have my ticker from ovulation and not af. Puts me 5 days forward which sounds good!! :dance:

congrats chopsie :cheer: try not to worry, worrying only gets you...well... worried!! But i worry about the af pains too and i am doing loo roll checks allot (hubby keeps saying when you do these checks can you put the 'checks' in the bin! Cos i've got bits of loo roll all over the place :lol: )

hey naomi, sorry about your 2 losses :hug: I'm not going to get extra scans etc, i'm just going to try and get on with things with this not first and foremost in my mind this time. Can't wait to actually see a scan though, think that will be amazing!

hey Steele, lovin the BOO! pic :rotfl: yeh i've heard about that book but ever seen it anywhere. i've got a thick one called 'expecting' but it dioesnt go into too much. will check the library, think i'll go today see what theyve got in if it stops raining!!

anna pancackes for breakky :cheer: i'm comin' round yours! Yesterday I had a banana with a tub of grated cheese! Now this isnt a craving :talkhand: i'm just like this!
lol yeh robot baby!! My mum says i was really good and i never cried through the night (translate that to my mum never heard me cry through the night more like!) so chances are mine will be the same :dance:

Well things are still going boringly :cheer: Have decided not to do anymore testing, just going to put this all to the back of my mind for the
next few weeks cos i am getting more niggles and twinges when i'm thinking about it!!!
Anyway going to put my ticker forward as i am an early ovulator so i think it'll be more accurate.
awww this is a greta idea hun. I look forward to reading and sharing your journey :hug:
Hi Tina :wave: I'm hoping it'll be a real boring read! :cheer:

So far the 'excitement' for today is knee cramp through the night, or whenever i fall asleep - it really hurts! Read it could be a deficincy in calcium but that cant be what it is with me considering all the calcium i get, so going to look into yoga.
Nothing else to report :cheer:
A friend of mine started yoga when she was expecting her first - she absolutely loved it and carried on afterwards too. Not only does it keep your muscles strong and stretched, it's really good for relaxation too.

Hope everything stay uneventful for you :cheer: I got my first craving today - Branston Pickle - I don't even like it!
Yuk i dont like that :puke: I havnt had any cravings or aversions at all!
Was starting to get a bit paranoid yesterday so got a test to put my mind at ease, and well happy with it :dance:

I did yoga before but I found it very boring, but anything that helps this knee seizing up and locking is appreciated!!
Everything is still going boringly great :dance: I think i'll be heading into first tri proper if it keeps going like this :pray:

eta, have decided to join first tri, so forget this thread :cheer:
Aww this is a great idea and i'm pleased all is going well for you :hug:

I remember reading about when you finally got your BFP and am made up for you.

I,m sure this diary will be a lot of comfort for the other ladies who have either been in your situation or are pregnant for the first time and unsure about all the pregnancy worries that can come with it.

Best of luck hun and I shall be popping by to read your diary :hug:
hun i never congratulated you on ur bfp... congrats! :dance: hope u have a healthy pregnancy. have u been using baby asprin or progesterone cream?

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