Hmmm Wish he wasn't so... remote

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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I've just wracked my tiny little brain for something my dad would really like this year and I thought maybe replacing a few of his books that got damaged when my mum moved them out to the garage.

So I've been looking and thought- they're not really a good present for someone who can and does just goes out and buys books whenever he wants. So my noggin got ticking and I thought I KNOW! I'll get him a copy of one of the ruined books thats been signed by the author.

However while he might really like it he also might hate it and I wouldn't know either way. I mean its like if I buy my mum something and she likes it she bounces about like a kiddie and so does my brother. OH goes completely mentle after giving you this little smirk when its something he's chuffed with but my dad's like totally emotionless. Just don't want to buy him this book (which believe me isn't what I'd EVER pay for a book and I've a pretty extensive personal library myself, think I've about 3-400 books and my dad's about the same) and him be as excited as if I'd bought him a dead plant. :wall2:

boo to him I guess.

Aww I know what you mean, I hate buying presents for people who don't get excited lol! I tend to just buy people like that git vouchers cos sod them if they don't appreciate the effort I put into present buying :lol:
hahah tbh im really siding towards lkike £30 in amazon vouchers coz i know my nan (his mum) will get him a good couple of hundreds worth so he can get himself and ipad or kindle or something with it lol!
My mums like that, I swear if I bought her a holiday home in Spain she'd barely crack a smile :lol:
some people just dont show excitedment very well - even though they might be bursting inside. My DH, and one of my best mates are both like that.

When i first told DH i was pregant - his respomse was a quicj smile - and "well... are you gonna phone ur mother!" - thats prob the most excited ive ever seen him. lol

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