What Else Can I Buy?

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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:wall2: I'm awful at shopping, except for myself :blush:

We're starting our chrimbo shopping this weekend and so far I know that I'm getting LO VTech First Steps Walker, VTech Babys Laptop and and Elephant Ball Popper. What else can I get him? He has like shapes you put through the holes type toys, musical toys, xylaphone (sp?), stacking cups etc already

My mum has got him a couple of ride on toys, and FIL has got him a load of sensory books and bath toys.

We are going to get him a smart trike, but atm we're sure if we can afford it this side of christmas, so we'll make the most of getting away with that while we can lol

I don't want to buy him clothes because I'm always getting him stuff, only exception might be a dressing gown.

God I'm rubbish, I can't even think what to buy my own mum except pampering vouchers lol

Any ideas appreciated.

Thank you xx
Odhrans first Christmas he was 11 months and we got him a trolley, bounce and spin zebra, elc first till, fisher price animal train (would really recommend this he still plays with it) fisher price shape sorter etc, I got him some more advanced bits too to give him throughout the year as he got older, but if I'm being brutally honest on Christmas day the only thing he was interested in was the heater, wrapping paper and boxes! X
We got it all at the weekend in the end. We got him an upright activity walker thingy, baby laptop, some kind of activity ball thing, a bus with alphabet/numbers and loadsa buttons on and a ball popper type thing.

3 for christmas and 2 for his birthday which is on 29 December.

I think that is more than enough for his age and also he will be getting loads from family!

I just can't think what I want lol everyonoe keep asking me, but I just don't know. Normally I have a list lol

Think it's coz I'm pregnant and just looking after oz so kind of lost myself at the moment *violins* lol

Thanks for your answer hun xxxx
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