We're starting our chrimbo shopping this weekend and so far I know that I'm getting LO VTech First Steps Walker, VTech Babys Laptop and and Elephant Ball Popper. What else can I get him? He has like shapes you put through the holes type toys, musical toys, xylaphone (sp?), stacking cups etc already
My mum has got him a couple of ride on toys, and FIL has got him a load of sensory books and bath toys.
We are going to get him a smart trike, but atm we're sure if we can afford it this side of christmas, so we'll make the most of getting away with that while we can lol
I don't want to buy him clothes because I'm always getting him stuff, only exception might be a dressing gown.
God I'm rubbish, I can't even think what to buy my own mum except pampering vouchers lol
Any ideas appreciated.
Thank you xx