
thats so fantastic hun. im really glad that she is doing well now. she looks precious in that red dress :)

Great news she'll be a fatty before you know it COnal was weighed last Friday at 9lb 4 can't believe how big they are getting everyone is still asking if he is newborn but he looks huge to us :D
h33 said:

Great news she'll be a fatty before you know it COnal was weighed last Friday at 9lb 4 can't believe how big they are getting everyone is still asking if he is newborn but he looks huge to us :D
Yeah I know I was in a cafe today and everyone was saying "ah this must be a new baby" and i was like no shes 4 and a half months!!!! and then this woman with a baby asked how old emma was as her baby boy was the same size and hers was only a month old! :shock: hows Conal getting on?
sam96031 said:
h33 said:

Great news she'll be a fatty before you know it COnal was weighed last Friday at 9lb 4 can't believe how big they are getting everyone is still asking if he is newborn but he looks huge to us :D
Yeah I know I was in a cafe today and everyone was saying "ah this must be a new baby" and i was like no shes 4 and a half months!!!! and then this woman with a baby asked how old emma was as her baby boy was the same size and hers was only a month old! :shock: hows Conal getting on?

He's fine we've had the doctors appointments and head scans and tests and they can't find a thing wrong with him and are very impressed :clap:

Conal actually reached the weight my friends baby boy was born at when he was 9lb 4 and he was 16weeks i can't imagine ever having a normal sized baby now can you?

Weighed again on Friday at 9lb 12 he'll be in 0-3months soon sick of newborn clothes i've got loads of nice stuff in 0-3 i remember looking at it when people bought it for us when he was born thinking he'll never be big enough to fit init i've still got his 2-3lbs clothes now i can't believe he ever fitted in them.

Nearly forgot the exciting news Conal now sleeps from 7.30pm to 7am from about 13weeks i actuallt look human during the day :dance:

Keep me upto date with Emma hope everything is ok

weel here we are after 5 months and going strong we are still waiting to hear grom alderhay to see what we need to do about emmas blood and she had her 3rd jabs on wednesday yuck! :puke: shes doing well getting "fantastic" stickers off the health visitor whos impressed with her progress shes now sitting up aided and is pulling herself from being aided to being freestyle lol she never stops smiling well apart from some evil people sticking needles into her! she also babbles away constantly and is just generally a happy baby. Hope everyone elses baby is doing well i havent been on here for ages as madam has been keeping me busy cant believe there is only 24 days until jmy little squidge is 6 months old

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