
madis doing well now :) her scar is healing lovely shes 6lb 6 :shock: and she will be 2 months thusday :)

how olds little emma now? and how preg would u have been?

you know the feeding thing madi didnt feed well the one day she just went bottle mad!!! (and hasent stoped since hehe )
So glad Emma is doing well hun, sounds like she is doing fantastic on the weight gain side of things!! Hopefully she will be home in time for Xmas :D What was your EDD??
she was a month old on monday and weighs 4lb 7oz she would be 35 weeks ish glad madi is doing well and its reasuring to know about her feeds emma came off her caffeine on sunday and now her sats monitor is off 2 shes got a apnea monitor but doesnt need it its mainly for piece of mind for the nurses and the only other tube left on her is her feeding tube :dance: :clap: ill try to keep this post updated with her progress
its really good to see them get rid of the monitors, madi had loads of wires and monitoring stuff and a drip, we were so happy everytime they took one away, she was just left with the apnea alarm until she came home but like ya said it was just for peace of mind, we'v got one at home too, we couldnt do with out it
i was elated when all the tubes came out, i could finally see my baby for the first time

good luck on getting her home
thanx emma had her first bath today it was lovely but a pitty that rob missed it she has taken 3 lots of 30 mls with me todayso im really happy today :cheer:
i loved the first bath :D

im glad things are on the up for you
emma is just over 4lb 10oz today and is doing well, i was feeding her earlier and talking to someone at the same time when i looked at her bottle and she had taken 70mls :shock: shes only supposed to be taking 57 mls and thats the most shes ever taken.theyve taken the tube out of her nose to see how she does but obviously she might need to have it put back in, but if she keeps up like she has today shell be home before i know it!!!!!!! lol
hi everybody Emma Jane came home today just in time for christmas!! she now weighs 5lb and is doing well, she passed her hearing and eye test and has to have another eye test just to make sure next week so we are well proud of our baby girl :dance: will probabally be back on here soon begging for help in a few days :rotfl: ,if im not coping, i dont remember if i wrote down that it had taken the nurses 11 hours to see Emma after she was born, well they're investigating into why that happened as it shouldn't have happened.
hi emma was weighed again on monday and is now 5lb 3oz shes put on 3oz since friday! she had blood tests done on monday and the results are not very good shes got to have more of them but they think she might have cyclical neutropena (sp :oops: ) does anyone else have this or know of anyone with it as the doc never explained it. its not definate she has it just a strong possibility :cry: my poor baby shes been through so much already
awww poor little emma, i just had to look up Cyclic Neutropenia as i had never heard of it, i hope it isnt that
ive had to look it up 2 and it sounds horrible if it is that im really hoping it isnt, im really worried about her as ive got a bad cold at the mo and trying not to breathe on her which is quite hard when its only me at home to look after her as DH is in work all day :cry: she has to go for more blood tests and hopefully they will say she hasnt got it and that the only reason that her white blood count was low was due to an infection that she was recovering from which another doctor said it could be. :pray:
emma had another blood test this week and her white cells were up this time but doc said shes not out the woods but if the next two test are also up 2 then she wont have to have the bone marrow test, but at the mo its still on the cards. Before xmas emma had a bit of constipation and the doc we saw told us to dilute her feeds more than what is recommended on the packet which we did, then she caught a cold so she wasnt feeding properly. she was weighed on monday and has not put on any weight since the 21st so the Hv has made me feel lik i was starving ger when i told her and the consultant that the other doc told us to dilute the milk they practically said i was lying as a doctor wouldnt recomend that, but she did grrrrr
well its been a while so thought id update the post with emmas progress, we had a nother blood test done last week and her blood count is up again, weve got one more to go to check but its one step closer to the all clear! Emma now weighs 6lb 9oz, never thought shed get there, she is a hell of a smiler but only when its just her and me so nobody leieves me lol! she is coming on leaps and bounds and is catching up with other babies progress soon cant wait until shes more alert but that comes more and more each day! just thought it had been a while and that some people would like an update!
hi thought id add an update as it has been so long since the last post emmas blood count has gone down again so we are waiting for a reply from Alder Hay hospital as to what her future will hold. A week last Tuesday Emma was weighed and she was 7lb 15oz and she was weighed agin on thursday and she was 8lb 9oz!!!! so weight gain of 11oz in 9 days!!!, whilst the health visitor was here emma was on her tummy and lifted her head perfectly for the first time and was really alert and smiling at her so she got a "fantastic"sticker off her :dance: :cheer: lol will try and add to here when i can
awww so glad to hear from u hun... graeet when they gain weight eh :D

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