Hi new to the forum and TTC

Hello everyone!!
I only joined PF in July so am relatively new too!
I got married 11th June, came off the pill straight after honeymoon and not sure if I have had a "normal" AF yet or not?! I got my withdrawal bleed after the pill, then 28 days later i got 5 days of light spotting and light cramps...it might have been AF i guess but no where near as heavy than when on the pill! So its just a waiting game...not doing opk's yet as I have no idea of my cycles!
Its really nice to talk to people in the same boat, as we aren't telling anyone we're TTC either...
We are just trying to BD as much as possible and have set a goal of being preggers by christmas, if my body sorts itself out that is!!
We should all help eachother out trying to make sense of it all!! xxx
Hello everyone!!
I only joined PF in July so am relatively new too!
I got married 11th June, came off the pill straight after honeymoon and not sure if I have had a "normal" AF yet or not?! I got my withdrawal bleed after the pill, then 28 days later i got 5 days of light spotting and light cramps...it might have been AF i guess but no where near as heavy than when on the pill! So its just a waiting game...not doing opk's yet as I have no idea of my cycles!
Its really nice to talk to people in the same boat, as we aren't telling anyone we're TTC either...
We are just trying to BD as much as possible and have set a goal of being preggers by christmas, if my body sorts itself out that is!!
We should all help eachother out trying to make sense of it all!! xxx
ye i defo agree blondy13, we defo might make sense of it all then, i find it very confusing and want to get pregnant now, im sure im doing my bf nut in already lol. ok soo from reading posts so far ive gathered that AF is aunt flow but what does opk's mean?? i think its going to take a while for me to pick all this up. i feel like that bout my last period (3 light days, 2 heavy days and then light again, i was bleeding for 8 days, nothings like my on pill) soo im thinking maybe that was my first my real AF for first time since coming off pill???? i dunno. is that you in pic?? if so lovely dress :). oh and sorry for being a bit dumb but what does BD mean?? thanks
BD is baby dance, aka having sex hehe! The lingo is very confusing isnt it! OPK's are ovulation predictor kits!
Yep that is me and my hubby in the pic, cant believe it was 2 and a half months ago now its flown by!!
It sounds like your last period was a proper one, probably just adjusting after the pill! at least you're getting back to normal quickly!
how long has it been since then?
I'm doing my Hubby's head in too...he doesnt understand all this period talk!!
I like your location btw...i wish i was on a tropical island too!! xxx
oh BD i like, much better than sex lol :baby: :dance:

aww bet it has flown, nothing like being in love to make the time fly no :))

fingers crossed that it was my normal AF, well if im on 28day cycles im due on 27 Aug (ive done a counter thing in my signature now, if its worked lol), so we'll see this week, i will known more bout my cycle this month then as i doubt very much that i am preggers just yet, i just feel like normal, soooooo bring on next months BD's lol.

do you know when your next AF is due around or are you just waiting?

i already feel a lot better about it all now and ive only been on here this evening :) good stuff
Hey blondy13, I got married on 11th June too!!
Been off the pill since my wedding day. Still no BFP :(
Hi jayjay nice pic!! Congrats on your wedding too- so glad we got nice weather for most of it!! No bfp for me but no proper AF either :( have your cycled gone back to normal? Xxx
Yeah mine went back to normal straight away, although normal for me isnt exactly regular so my ticker may be a bit off.
Havent OV'd yet according to OPK's and I really should be OVing about now. Nightmare!

Yeah the weather was good here too, bit of rain in the morning but all dry by the time I left the house and stayed dry the rest of the day. I'd happily go and do it all again lol.

Love ur pic, ur dress look gorgeous!
Hey girls...well had i still been on the pill i should have had my AF yesterday or day before.....but still nothing but its driving me mad as i dont know whether to be positive that it could mean a BFP or just that my body is messed up from coming off the pill. I said to hubby this morning what day do you think we should wait till to do a test and he was like I dunno iv never done this before, as if i have lol! Im not sure if AF is gonna be late as only came off pill end of july. soooo frustrated!!

and girls in same boat as me with ovulation. Id heard that you usually ovulate around 7 days after AF stops, so i was taking my temperature and when it started to peak I figured then was a good time to try, but was also trying before and after that to be on safe side.

IF AF comes this month I think Il buy the Ovulation kits for next month
Bellarina, why dont you take a test now?
If no AF, there's always a chance...
hey jayjay, just went and bought a test and unfortunately a BFN :( either AF is looming or iv tested too soon so its still the waiting game in limbo xxx
Aww pants. Sorry to hear that.

Keep us updated anyway, let us know either the witch or something exciting!
FX for u hun


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