

Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hi girls...just felt i needed to start a thread to vent frustration as dont think anyone else will really understand where im coming from

Still havent had my AF (last one was the usual bleed after pill pack finished mi-end july) im about 2 weeks late on AF....Iv had 2 BFN tests so know im not pregnant

Just frustrated as until AF arrives I cant ovulate and enter 2WW....actually finding im willing AF on just so I can get into cycle number 2!
Its hard TTC when you know you cant technically conceive until ovulated! grrrr

anyway vent over lol so happy to hear about everyones BFP's this month, gives alot of posititvity to the forum in that that rest of us know it will happen for us eventually.

lots of babydust to everyone :dust::dust:
Hi girls...just felt i needed to start a thread to vent frustration as dont think anyone else will really understand where im coming from
lots of babydust to everyone :dust::dust:

By this i meant friends etc not girls on here lol....just wanted to obv im venting to you lot as i know you'll understand
Aww ballarina try not to stress yourself out over it, I know it must be frustrating but as they say good things come to those who wait :)

Have u considered going to the docs to talk bout ur AF? I'm new to all this myself but from reading ither posts they might be able to do some tests to check u out? Its worth a phone call I think :)

Hope AF arrives soon, girls usually dread it until they are TTC lol.

Lots of baby dust to yoy :) xx
Thanks BabyG
yeh i think i may leave it another week or so then maybe go to the drs to check everything is in working order.
its just so annoying. i never thought id be wishing AF when TTC!! unfortunately tho i need a AF in order to TTC .... grrr vicious circle lol xx
I know, its just worry after worry I think. I'm on AF at moment and started my opk's early on CD 4 which was yest and now I'm worring bout me not ov this cycle. Stressful time TCC but I'm trying my best not to worry too much but u can't help it sometimes can u.

Why can't mother nature be kind of give us babies in our belly's as soon as we decide the time is right.

I'm wishing I came off my pill sooner now soo my body would have had time to get back to normal before TCC.

Hope ur AF arrives soon, relax and get the BD practise in before then lol :) xx
I know i wish id come off the pill before the wedding now, but i knew a girl last year who did that and thought it would take a while to conceive, and she caught straight away.

just unfair but i guess all our bodies react differently to change.

FX for us both that mother nature is kind to us

Lots of babydust for all of us TTC xxxx
Hi everyone. I feel your frustration. Been TTC since May ad AF came again on 25/8/11. I was kind of ok with that and like you I'm ready for this month. But found out last night my sis in law is 14 weekd pg. I'm so thrilled for her and her boyf and its great news. I didn't know hey were TTC and she doesn't know that I am either. For her she said it happened first time. Which is totally fabulous, but inside I feel an emotional reck. I keep hearing about other people and they fall preggers 1st time they go for it. Its begining to freak me out that maybe i won't be able to have kids. I know its still early days for me and i'm just being impatient - I am totally over the moon for them- but gutted for myself. I know I'm going to have to put ona brave face and be super excited for them over the next few months.
I don't want to take away from ther joy and excitement.
Thank goodness for this forum - to be able to let out all these feelings bottled up inside!!
Exactly! Joining this forum has been the best thing i could do...i dont wanna be boring other people with my worries etc when they wont really understand. at least on here we are all in the same boat or have been so everyone listens and gives advice.

Im also really worried as people seem to be getting BFP's on some tests, so theyr excited, then take another one and its its worrying as il prob build my hopes up when it does happen, and then be disappointed.
Im also worried as the women in my family all tend to have at least 1 im worried il try so hard to get pregnant then lose it.....argh iv just realised how much im worried about d'oh!
When i came off the pill last year and was waiting for first AF (took 34 days in the end) I read it can take some people up to 3 months! Really hope she comes for you sooner than that though!!! It is frustrating not knowing what is happening.
Sorry to say it took 10 1/2 weeks for me to get my first proper af after my last withdrawal bleed and it's seems after 3 af's in a row, this months has gone AWOL too!! Currently on cd 46 :(
Just wanted to say it's normal to have to wait a while and when I went to my gp she said to wait at least 4 months before they would look into it as it is normal that some people take a while to get back to normal. It drives you nuts tho cos of the neg preg tests too.
Hope you don't have to with too much longer. :dust: xx
know exactly how you feel....we're going through exactly the same as I too finished my withdrawl bleed mid-july and haven't had any positive opks or AF - should also confess that I have had a number of neg pregnancy tests (even though I know deep down am not actually preg!)

am worried about it too as I know I have no chance of a BFP until I get positive opks or AF makes an appearance....

let's try not to worry - I think I'm going to give it a couple more weeks and if still no sign of AF am going to visit GP

fingers crossed for an AF or a BFP to us all soon!! xx
Hello girlies!! I feel your pain also :( I had my withdrawal bleed beginning of July and all I have had since is spotting on and off :( I am going to see a gp later actually as it's been 9 weeks now and the spotting is horrible and brown (sorry tmi) it's starting to get me down now- we'll see what the gp says. I'm pretty sure spotting is a sign of low progesterone though which definitely means I'm not ovulating. I also found out my mum had pcos as did my Aunty so it's not looking good seeing as my skin is awful and my hair seems to be falling out after the pill. Any news today from any one- any sign of the witch? Fx she gets us soon (I never thought I'd say that!) Lots of love xxxxxx
Hey girls.....well the witch seems to have arrived for me today!!!! Like you Blondy I never thought id be glad to say that....whether this is a proper AF remains to be seen but Im still happy that something is happening in right direction, i just hope its not teasing me and itl end up being nothing.

any luck with anyone else???

Lots of babydust to everyone xxxx
good luck for your GP app blondy - let us know how you get on! xx

still no sign of AF appearing here and my skin has also reverted to early teen status - oilinesss & spots galore....grrrr xx
never thought I'd say this but CONGRATS of the arrival of AF Bellarina!! :lol:

fingers crossed it is a proper AF and you can start the count down for ov days from now!! keep us posted xx
Thanks Babyhopeful!
Like you other girls, since coming off the pill my skin has been awful!!! and hormones seem to be all over the place...feel so sorry for my body it must be confused to hell after being on pill for 10 yrs lol

Hi girls!
Been to GP and she was really lovely, she is going to do some swabs tomorrow just to check I haven't got thrush or anything, but she said the spotting is a little odd. So if swabs are fine she will do some blood tests. I feel a little better I think. On CD45 today :(
Yey to Bellarina, im happy the witch showed for you! xxx
Thanks Blondy. Glad it went well at GPs for you and they are looking into it. itl put ur mind at rest if nothing else xxx
ahh am glad it went well Blondy - fingers crossed the spotting stops soon and your body gets back to some kind of normality! keep us updated!

still no sign of AF for me, had a dull ache v low down last night kind of like period pain and feeling pretty horrible this morning so will see if that results in AF showing her face soon....

on a positive note it's friday and so very nearly the weekend! woohoo!! xx

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