Hi girls, I was just wondering....


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I'm from ttc and everyone there is always asking whats the earliest that people got BFPs. I would like to know the other end of the scale and find out what is the latest that people got their BFPs. :think: (i.e. dpo)

Thanks! and hope everyone in here is well and enjoying their pregnancy! :D
I'm sure there are a few people on here who have got false negs for a while before they got they bfps so I'm guessing they would have been later. I found out with both of mine after I missed my period.
We have someone in 2nd Tri who came straight in at 24 (?) weeks not knowing she was pregnant beforehand... :shock: actually I think she's just moved to Tri 3 she's a couple of weeks ahead of me and jumped the queue!!!
Im sorry - but can someone tell me what BFP's, dpos and the like are? x
bfps are big fat positives meaning a positive pregnancy test and dpo is days past ovulation.
i used to test early but it also meant that i knew about very early misscarages (chemical pregnancies) whereas if i'd waiting until my period was due/missed i would of just thought that it was my period.

So be careful testing too early
24 weeks?? Woww, how could you not know? Would be nice to avoid the first 24 weeks of worry but in my case fetal alcohol syndrome would be a definite issue!

I tested day after AF was due so 4 weeks 1 day xx
I was about 15DPO maybe 14 before I got my BFP but that was because I refused to test until January not because I got BFNs first :D

Edit: Just checked my chart, actually I was 17DPO :shock: How did I wait that long?
Just to hijack...I was 14+ weeks with DS and never suspected thing :shock: only took a test as my bf insisted (I only had about 2 AF a year and was using contraception) The doctor didn't even run a test - just looked at me like this :? felt my tummy and said "I think we'd best get a scan...." :rotfl:

I had a small bump when you look at photos taken then, I had had constant nausea, huge bbs which were painful and was coming home from work and going sleep till the next day :roll:

If I hadn't found out till about 10 days later, the first symptom I may have actually noticed was movement :rotfl:
debecca said:
We have someone in 2nd Tri who came straight in at 24 (?) weeks not knowing she was pregnant beforehand... :shock: actually I think she's just moved to Tri 3 she's a couple of weeks ahead of me and jumped the queue!!!

Me!! I was on the pill and still had what I thought were periods up until September (1-2 days were a normal period and OK'd as normal by my GP the previous year - I looked on it as a bit of a bonus with the pill!). My periods were few and far between before that anyway so I thought nothing of it. When I started having to pee through the night and periods didn't return when I came off the pill I did a test and it was positive.

I estimated (incorrectly) that I was between 12 and 16 weeks and was surprised (shocked?) to find out I was 23 weeks at my first scan! My doc didn't even examine me when we discussed dates at my first appointment - I had to wait nearly 4 weeks for a scan appointment.

I literally had no other symptoms - no bump, no sickness. Thankfully I don't really drink (hadn't had more than a couple of sips since the summer which tasted awful - I should have probably read more into that!) and don't smoke so didn't have that to worry about.

We are both over the moon, however, as we would have been TTC later this year.
In some ways finding out later must of been a bonus as it would save all the worrying we do in the first tri :D
I did my first test, and got a BFP, 6 days after my period was due, that was christmas eve. I was a week late on christmas day...I missed my second period yesterday!

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