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Question from TTC'er - Update still no AF


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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ok I hope you dont mind me asking a question in here but I wondered if any of you could help me....my question is.....

How many dpo did you get your bfp?

It seems many ladies realise they are late on their period but dont get a bfp as it turns out they ov'd later than they realised. What if you know when you ov'd and still got bfn up until your af date (i.e 14 days after) does this happen

I suppose Im wondering how close to 14dpo do I give up hope
And massive congrats to you all and hope you are all well
Thanks everyone xxx
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Hi hun,

Just messaged back but dunno if I was very useful :eh:

I'm not sure when I ovulated but I got a BFP 3 days after AF was due. I seem to have a 26 day cycle, and I didn't have strong positive lines on the OPKS that month either, so I just hoped for the best.

:hugs:Really hope you get your BFP soon!

x x x x
I got my :bfp: on the sunday, af was due on the wednesday. It was either 10/11DPO and that was with first response.

hiya geminiblue, was wondering how you are the other day.. have you heard from scottishlassie at all - i had a quick look but can't see a recent post from her...

anyway this is what i think happened with me...

with my ov tests there was no line at all up to day 15 and then there was a line on CD15 (so i was never sure if that meant i ov'd on that day or within 36 hours of it?) so anyway... pos ov on CD15 and we BD on day15 and 17 only.

Then i got the faintest faintest line on an inernet cheapie preg test on cd25 & 26, and then a CBD pos on cd27 (so i think this makes it about 10 dpo) is that right? i am not very good with knowing exactly what those ov kits mean whether it is that very day when the line appears or the next day etc..

i hope it's not too long for you to get your bfp. i think those ov tests really helped us as i wasn't really sure before using them and the first month we used them and only bd twice it worked.

keeping fingers crossed that it will happen soon for you x x x
Hey pinkymum - got your message and thanks hun it was a help.
treeze - not heard from scottishlassie either.
thanks for your messages my reply is short and sweet my lo crying so must dash thanks for support xxx
I got my BFP 3 days before AF was due so 12 dpo x
Clairebear - did youhave negatives up until then? thanks so much for your replies this really helps xxx
oh thanks so its not over yet for me then, Ive tested bfn on first response today and i think my af due in two days. Thanks so much ladies sorry for hijacking 1st trimester and hope to see you all soon xxx
good luck hun! i was testing every day up until my af was due and didnt get bfp until that day! x
Good luck hunni! I really hope you can join us soon :)
I only got very faint lines (had to squint to see them!) up until 3 days after AF was due. AF was due on the Tuesday then on the Friday morning got a definate BFP! Give it time, your HCG levels will increase more each day so the longer you can leave it to test the better. Good luck and lots of :dust:
thanks so much ladies and treeze was good to hear from you and thanks to you all for sharing I will test tomorrow and see what happens fingers x ohhhhhhhhhhh god I hope so xxx
ahw got everyting crossed for you - would love it for you to get your bfp x xx
BFN this morning and no af, have been testing opks still and they are really visible but not as strong as the control line but not far off so who knows. Thanks Pinkymum by the way hope I canjoin you guys soon. Have decided to keep my opks so I have a daily comparison. Bye for now and thanks for your support x
CD39 and still no af but opks are odd. Would some of you be able to look at them in the gallery and let me know what you think? Wouldnt I have got a bfp by now if I was pregnant?
mine would have been 17dpo because i have irregular periods i'm going off the scan dates i tested on 20th of june and ovulated on 3rd june x hope this helps x i never tested before tho just waited forever didnt know i was preg x
yea thats my prob misscrazy I could be 21 day or 70 day cycle so I have to keep a close eye on my opks. So Ive know that opks can be an indication of preg but Id be something like 20 odd days dpo and no bfp anyway thanks for responding happy pregnancy and lots of happy times ahead xxx

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