He's testing my patience


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I must have already said 'NO' 50 times already this morning to Sam :roll:

I'm beginning to get fed up of hearing myself say 'No' to him.

He is not interested in his toys at all, and has developed a fascination with wires, he finds wires I am sure me and OH have tucked well away. Then there is the TV remotes, Laptop, Phone, drawers he has now discovered he can open and close.

Aah thank god for playpens.
What is it about the damn sky remote!! He can find it and get to it wherever it is in the room! Its impressive, but very anoying :lol:

I think i'll be investing in a play pen, though I dont think he will like it very much...
:wall: He thinks it is a game :roll:

When I see where he is heading towards and say 'Sam NO' he laughs and crawls as fast as he can :roll:

He is currently on the living room floor surrounded by every toy he has and he isn't interested in the slightest with any of it. He only wants what he can't have :lol:
Welcome to the dark side.... mwhahahahahahahahhaa :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wait till they start walking then they get to more stuff :roll: Lil miss understands no...she just says yes back :roll:
Squiglet said:
Welcome to the dark side.... mwhahahahahahahahhaa :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wait till they start walking then they get to more stuff :roll: Lil miss understands no...she just says yes back :roll:

Agh! I can't wait LOL :lol:
We have a sky remote addiction too. And glasses, jewellery and anything else that isn't soft and squishy and baby friendly

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