

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Well i went for my tracking scan and i have 2 follicles measuring 15mm and two on the other side ai think about 13-14mm and one of 9 mm she has told me to abstain but........... i don't want to!! HELP any advice ??
I'm no expert but should mature follicles not be bigger than that?
they grow from 1 - 3 mm a day so by Sunday they should be 21mm or so x
Oh my gosh what an absolutely situation to be in :(

You can't do it Kirsty. You just can't.

I can totally understand the excitement and desparation you must be feeling but as harsh as it might sound, you need to think of what is best for the babies and not for yourself.

Knowingly choosing quads for your pregnancy would show very little regard towards any babies you might have. It would show that you love yourself more than you could ever love them.

If you wait until your next cycle and you can get your baby without having to have created and sacrificed a couple along the way...

The ends does not always justify the means.

I'm really sorry that you are this situation, i know anyone would find it hard but you have to do what is sensible and what is best for the family that you already have and the babies you want to have xx
Oh my gosh what an absolutely situation to be in :(

You can't do it Kirsty. You just can't.

I can totally understand the excitement and desparation you must be feeling but as harsh as it might sound, you need to think of what is best for the babies and not for yourself.

Knowingly choosing quads for your pregnancy would show very little regard towards any babies you might have. It would show that you love yourself more than you could ever love them.

If you wait until your next cycle and you can get your baby without having to have created and sacrificed a couple along the way...

The ends does not always justify the means.[QUOTE/]

Oh Lou i know but i think of 'what if's ' what if only 1 implants or two or even only 1 fertilises? what if this is my only chance my only months, then i think i would be ok with 4 babies , and then i think that each month i have ov'd and it has failed to fertilise or implant (chemicals) what are the chances of all 4 doing that when i cant usually get even 1?? , It's not that i love myself too much it's just i though this was the month it's my great grandads anniversary he would have been 99 today and i thought even before my scan it was a good sign.

I'm meant to go back on Mon she said they may not all grow or ov so she'll check but i will pop on sat or sun so i will miss the chance!! plus i had sex this am and used preseed and sperm can live upto 72 hours and that takes me up or past ov . OH wants to try i've eplained about the risks of multiples too ebven shown some research on the internet etc . Just what if?? x x x

I'm glad your the voice of reason cos i'm fighting with myself and OH on this one and he will know if i abstain from sex and he's told me to go for it ( not the 4 ) but the chance that we might get just 1

I'm really sorry that you are this situation, i know anyone would find it hard but you have to do what is sensible and what is best for the family that you already have and the babies you want to have xx
We are sorted i just explained that the guilt i'd feel having 4 babies if any of them died when i have an informed choice to make i would feel guilt ridden forever, and i told him we will wait until the next scan on monday to see and he has agreed. I said i dont want to see any of my children die for another. Plus i said the medication obv is working so we should wait, it may be great news on mon and only 2 have continued growing and we can bd quick in the hope to catch it on its way down , Thanks Lou for that advice its given my head the wobble that it needs . x
Just read this Kirsty and I totally get your dilema but Louise is right. You have to think of the bigger picture! Take the positives that its worked and hopefully on Mon you will get good news! FX for you honey! Xxx
I would definitely go for it, nothing says all will mature nothing says all will get fertilized, there is a risk but I'd say it's a small one, that's honestly what I would do. :)

Hehe maybe are you playing devils advocate. I'm on the fence I'm afraid Kirsty, my instinct would be to say abstain, but I know if I was in that situation it wouldn't be that easy. I have to abstain from now until next Friday for my HSG and I'm finding that difficult - big hugs hun xxx
Hey ,

Well so far i have abstained. I keep reading about the risks with multiples and esp quads, then there is no saying that each of the eggs may spilt and i do not want to be an octuplet mum! slimmest chance i know!

Even the success stories with quads have their heartbraking moments and i feel like i just cant do it. I am waiting until Monday and monitoring for ov very closely , no pos OPK yet and i'm temping. I had my pos OPK this time last month so it might be good news on Monday. All in all it's for the best , when my babies here i want to breast feed, spend the first night with him/her, not come home without him/her all of these things are highly unlikely with multiple. Also i don't want to give my go ahead selfishly knowing the risks for the babies themselves , brain damage , defects etc .

So now i can't wait till Mon and it will come fast . Thanks for all the help , i needed it x
I think you're being very brave and have a lot of respect for your decision

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