

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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Freddie has been a nightmare at night for the past week or so. He's been fine up to now, sleeping through from 7pm-6am but now he's up and awake 8-9 times a night.

He has issues when he wakes up and he's on his belly cos he can't roll back over, but this has been the case for weeks now and it's not really troubled us - just once or twice a night. Now it just seems he wakes up and won't go back to sleep without a cuddle, whether he's on his belly or not. It's a shouty cry that escalates into a proper paddy if we try to ignore it.

He is teething at the mo (2 teeth through) but he goes back to sleep so easily when we pick him up I don't honestly think he's in pain with it. Me and DH had a bit of a fight last night as I didn't want to keep picking him up cos he'll get too used to it and instead try to comfort him in his cot - DH wants to pick him up cos it stops him crying so DH can sleep as he has to get up for work at 5.30.

We have been giving him purees twice a day for the past couple of weeks, I'm not giving any today in case thats the problem although he has been pooing 2-3 times a day fine.

We've tried calpol and it's honestly made no difference at all. Dummies seem to make it worse as he starts playing with them and gets frustrated when he can't get it back in his mouth.

Could it be sleep regression?????

I am at a loss - DH last night asked me if I knew what to do, I told him if I knew we'd all be asleep.

Please help..... and sorry for mega post
maybe we should send our kids on boot camp in there little hats!
Demba alarm goes of 5am n hes shattered bless him.

if i had any advise i wouldnt have this problem myself :wall:

It might be a regression, I think there's 1 at 5/6months. It could also be his teeth! Your right about not getting into the habit of picking him up but it's also hard if he won't have a dummy. I was gonna start a thread about self settling as I've had enough of putting the dummy in loads through the night!
Sorry I can't help much, hope he improves with his sleep soon x x
He also only had a 10 minute nap this morning - so I've not even had a chance to catch up on a bit of sleep!

Little monster.

Evelina, maybe we should put noa and freddie in a cot together and let them fight it out between them. They might be happy to have a nice big cot all to themselves then.....

DH and I hardly ever fight but we are both so tired and frustrated, this is worse than when he was newborn.
H has done this over the past couple of weeks!! We found putting dentinox on his gums before bed has helped!! Also when he wakes we put his lightshow back on and just talk to him quietly stroking his hand and we found he goes straight back off!!! Last night though he slept through again!!!
Aw hon x I have no advice but it does sound like it might be a mixture of sleep regression and teeth x it could still be pain that's waking him and he then wants a cuddle which could be why he's stopping when you cuddle him. Hope he sleeps better soon x

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