Day time naps!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2010
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I'm very close to giving up! My lo is an angel at night time but during the day he's a nightmare at napping. When I say a nightmare, if I get him in his cot before he gets over tired he'll go to sleep quite happily. However, he won't sleep any longer than 35 minutes even though it's obvious he needs longer.
He has a nap of about 30 mins at 8:45 which is fine and then when he wakes up he's happy until about 11:30. He then sleeps for about 35 minutes and then wakes up, it's obvious he needs longer as he's then grumpy for the rest of the day and falls asleep on his bottles! On the odd occasion that he does get himself back to sleep and has a nap of 1+hours, he's much happier!
I just don't know how to get him to sleep longer, I've tried control crying, leaving him too it but no help! He's currently moaning in his cot now!
Sorry about the long one but just abit frustrated!
Anyone have any suggestions??
Thanks x

I won't let charley nap in his cot during the day. Have you got something he can nap in during the day downstairs like a bouncer or swing? Also does he take a dummy?
You could try resettling him with one.
Charley has 2 short naps of 30mins and 1 long nap of 2 hours every day. If he wakes up grumpy I put his dummy in and leave him in his swing and he normally goes back off to sleep.
He won't sleep downstairs at all! Just winds himself up even more, think he's worried he's going to miss out on something! He did have a dummy but just spits it out now he's found his fingers, unfortunately that means him getting himself into some strange position just to get them in his mouth lol and when he can't (like in his bouncer or swing) he just goes mental aaagghh
He will quite happily fall asleep half way through a bottle, just as he has today and then stay asleep for an hour on the sofa, but then he wakes up hungry due to not finishing his feed, nightmare!
Thanks for replying x

not really much help but in the day the only place donovan will nap is in my arms or his car seat which i only recently discovered. i was going crazy not being able to get anything done because he wanted to be held but when out and about he always goes to sleep in car seat straight away so when i can see hes getting tired i put him in there and off he goes to sleep happily xx

in the night he goes in his basket happily putting himself to sleep but screams blue murder if i try and put him in there in the day time!

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