Jacob won't go to sleep on his own, he has to fall asleep on me for me to then transport him to his moses basket, sometimes he even wakes up when I put him down and he screams until I pick him back up. Generally after a feed he falls asleep in my arms which is when I try to put him down, if he wakes up, he will scream to be held again and will then try to get food out of my arm, neck whatever is nearest even if he has had a good feed - the hv has said that he may be using me as a comfort or can smell the milk on me which is why he is trying to feed all the time, but even if Dh is holding him he is trying to get food out of him too
more often than not I give in and put him back onto my boobie, which makes them sore
I have been told not to use a dummy cos it could cause nipple confusion and I would hate for him not to want my boobie anymore, but thought that a dummy may settle him at night times and help for him to go off to sleep on his own, I have been told that Nuby do a dummy that is in the shape of a nipple and have considered buying him one?
Has anyone got any other advice to help me get him to go to sleep on his own?
