Help! Updated pg 2

Hope everything is okay hun, keep us posted if you can.
I understand how lovely sleep is and how wonderful lie-ins are but your OH needs a slap for being like that!

Concentrate on you and Orlando for the time being, that's what's most important. Your OH can apologise in the morning! xxx
GL MrsMc you've done the right thing by going to get checked.
Just seeing this now. Any update?
Cant beliebe ur OH. If that was me Id go back to ur parents after hosp, switch off ur phone, let him have his lie in and let him panic when he wakes up and cant get in touch with u!
Any news? Hope everything's ok and you are back home in bed.
Oh hun hope you are both ok. I am brewing a suitable revenge for your OH, let me know if you wanna use it xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just got home baby is fine but his HR was a bit erratic for a while doc said I recorded some strong bh but cervix is still closed phew.
I have been told to rest and if they come back I have to go back! Oh is still asleep

They kept you in a long time. Glad all is ok. Did they say what it was?

What are you going to do about OH?


No he was a bit like oh it's stopped now lol I think maybe just bad bh I did clean the windows up a ladder yesterday lol!!
They did blood test and urine test the dip test showed no infection but they sent it off to be sure won't get that back for a few days tho.
I don't know what to do about oh, he just woke up and is all like concerned but I needed him last night not now when I am ok.

Very glad everything is ok:)
Think I'd be absolutely livid if my hubby reacted like that in the same situation. God forbid, if something had been wrong, he wouldn't have been there. Serious words needed I think.
What's he going to be like when you go into labour?????
Oh blimey MrsMC I'm so glad all is ok, keep an eye on it, but you did the right thing to get checked out.

I can't believe your OH, I hope you not speaking to him at all. When I was preg with my daughter , at about the same, amount of weeks as you, think I had 8 weeks to go, mu OH's lasyness peeked and I went berserk at him, and he really picked up a bit, and it did last till she was about 7/8 weeks old after birth , so well worth using this bad example to stick a rocket up his backside for your sake
So glad ur ok hun.. As for you oh..

KICK HIS LAZY ARSE!!!! Sooooo out of order it's unreal!!!! Absolutely appalling behaviour!!
I agree with jomc(I think It was) u should have gone to ur parents and see how long it takes him to be concerned enough to wake up and call!! Then ignore!! Tough love!!

:hug: :hug:
He is currently offering to do the house work and go shopping and he is gonna make an album of all our scan pics so it's nice to keep :shock: think he is feeling guilty. Think I feel like a cooked brekkie lol am gonna milk this x

Defo milk it and also don't let him think he's got away with it.. U need to explain and make him realize exactly what he done!! After milking it all day of course!! ;)
So glad you and Orlando are ok :hug:

MAKE HIM PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx

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