help please!


New Member
Nov 11, 2009
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Just need some help please....

I found out two weeks ago that i was pregnant, the doctors say i'm 6 and a half weeks pregnant but we think we are a bit less. However on monday evening just after we went to see the doctor to say its all ok (we were so excited!) i started to bleed. I have been bleeding since, but its not enough to fill a pad its just when i wipe and bits on my pad. The blood is bright red, and yesterday i passed two clots, not very big though. I have had no cramps at all, but am so worried that we are going to loose the baby. Has anyone else had this, and what has happened? We are booked in for a us tomorrow but just can't help but want to know from others before hand - know that we are all different though!
We also retook a test this morning, and it is still showing 1-2 weeks pregnant, and although it is boarderline we were hoping to see 3-4 weeks, but i guess if conception was on 23rd oct like we think it wouldn't be 3-4 yet... right??

Any replies at all welcome x

With my first I had loads of bleeding and she was fine, then I had a miscarriage and the bleeding at first was the same as I had with my little girl. Unfortunately it is 50/50, and if you're still getting pregnant on a test then baby is still there as far as I know x
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My friend had this and went to the hospital, it showed up pregnant on the test and she was sent for an early scan, where it showed her LO. Some people experience lots of bleeding throughout pregnancy, but if your worrying, just get yourself checked to make sure everything is ok :hug:
All you can do is go for the US and hope for the best. Bleeding isnt uncommon in the first tri so everything could be fine still.

Hi Ssatch27, I hope all went ok with your scan today, I had spotting at 6 weeks and my scan showed a little heart beat which was lovely!x

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