

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I am new here and thought I would say hello!

My husband and I have been ttc for a few months and I know it's not that long but feels like an age!

I am still trying to get to grips with all the acronyms - there are so many!!!

I am looking forward to getting to know you all!

Hi there! Welcome to PF!
I am relatively new too, and have been ttc since June, and I know what you mean about feeling like its taking forever!
You'll get to grips with the acronyms, its not as daunting as it first seems lol.

Baby dust to you xx
Hi there, I'm just the first couple of months ttc as well, but I've been lurking on pregnancy forums since last year, so I knew most of the acronyms already. The ones you don't know are almost always easy to guess at least the context of them!
I think some forums have an acronym glossary, which might be useful, I know that mymonthlycycles does although that's not a forum it's a tracking tool.

Welcome and babydust!!
Hi everyone,

I am new here and thought I would say hello!

My husband and I have been ttc for a few months and I know it's not that long but feels like an age!

I am still trying to get to grips with all the acronyms - there are so many!!!

I am looking forward to getting to know you all!


Hi KMG and welcome!

Most people here take no offense at all if you just ask what they mean by an acronym.

Hope you get a speedy BFP. I've found the support on here invaluable, its great to let some of the crazy out....
Hi and welcome sweetie! This place is fab!!!! Sadly it's not as easy to get pregnant as they tell us in school but this forum has masses of support and the girls are fab!!

Wishing you lots of luck for that BFP!! X
Hi KMG. There is indeed a glossary of all the terms used and you will find it in the 'Forum Support' section. Been ttc for (rapidly approaching) 13 months now, but only joined the girls here a few months ago. They are great and it is great therapy - if you know what i mean.

thanks for your messages!

I will go and check out the glossary and I'm sure that will shed some light on the confusion!

Babybo - I know what you mean, I have spent years trying NOT to get pregnant and now i want too nothing!

baby dust to you all x
Hi KMG, welcome to PF!

Me and hubby have been ttc/ntnp (not trying tot preventing) for the last three months, but I know what you mean, it feels much longer.

I love this forum, I'm addicted- well, it's not even 7 o'clock yet and I'm already having a sneaky PF session before work! In all seriousness, the ladies on here are great and give great advice and support.

I hope you get a BFP soon (and hopefully one for me too!)


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