hello ladies who are 5 weeks!

aww I reckon all us first time mummies will be having our babies in 2013 considering your nearly always overdue first time, hope I get to have xmas dinner this year lol! x
I'll be gutted if I miss Christmas!!! Although I'm quite looking forward to opening pressies this year and having stuff for bubba!

Have you picked any names? I know it's a little early lol

I know what you mean sophs. Its also my birthday on the 18/12 and our first wedding anniversary on that day too so I'm hoping to avoid that date lol!

Newbie, I also ordered some more and took it on sat expecting it to go to 2-3 as I was on 1-2 the sat before but it shot up very quickly with 3+ and then I checked and that's the highest it goes to so now I have 3 left! Will have fun watching it come up with the 3+ makes me feel like things are on track a little, silly I know :) x
yep I have a boys name and possibly a girls one but I chose them before I got pregnant x
i dont want to miss my dinner thou if i stay like this i wont want it anyway really fussy about what i want and want everything i cant have like mayonaise!!!! lol i have lost half a stone since being pregnant but have got a really bloated belly is this normal at this stage? x
lucky!! Im not sure whats normal at this point. i'm the worlds biggest hypochondriac x
Wow you've lost half a stone??? I wish I could do that.

I had a really bloated tummy, it's gone down a little now. I found drinking lots of water helps as it makes me go to the loo. I also bought decaf tea and decaf green tea as felt that was bloating me out. I stopped smoking when I found out I was preg so no smoking and no caffeine makes for a not very nice me right now!!!!!

My girls name is Lily-Anne Catherine (Anne is after both our mums, and Catherine is my gran) and for boy well I'm not sure, everything I like gets vetod lol

On my list is Dylan, Oliver, Harry, Tegan and Tyler. Middle name will be James for a boy.

we like Amelia for a girl and Milo for a boy x
Amelia is on my list too. I really like Maddie but my mum said it reminds her of Madeleine McCann :-/

o yea :/ I wouldn't think that though. it's a lovely name x
It is a lovely name and I wouldn't have thought of the McCann link to be honest. We haven't got a clue about first names but James is a common middle name in my family and then Anne for his Mum if it's a girl.x
im having quite bad cramps at the mo is any 1 else having them and on a scale of 1 to 10 how painfull are they worring soo bad !!!!
Yesterday I had very bad cramps, very much like early period cramps but they settled down today x
TMI! alert. Im still worried about this brown discharge but on the plus side in the last hour my breasts have started killing me! lol funny times when this makes a girl happy x
I have had the pains that feel like early period pains for about 4 days now on and off. Nothing overly painful, like if I'm active Its noticeably worse so I just lay back down and it gets better. I'd say like a scale of 2. I don't go Owch or anything. Just take it easy it's totally normal.

As long as its not red blood it'll be ok I'm
sure. It's nothing to worry about xx

my breasts kill i got cramps in my right side trying not to panic or let my partner see dont want to worry him x
It really is normal I haven't heard from anybody who hasn't had cramps. We are all at the same stage and have the same thing too. It's just the womb stretching and the bean getting comfy. Our insides are going through a lot right now! Just take it easy xx

oh thanks ladies ur comments really help im guna go doctors at 11am just to pic her brain and let her know im pregnant as i found out at the hospital and want a midwife asap, also going out with my mum,dad and partner 2day and iam hoping he folds and lets me tell them the news lol he just thinks its to early and wants me to wait atleast till my 8 week scan but im dying to tell them x
Im 21, I have been with my partner 7 years and this is our first :)

I am due 21st December 2012.

Sicky, gassy, sore boobies, peeing alot and fatigue... Just the usual really :)

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