Hello Everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
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Hi Ladies

Some of you may remember me from tri 1, I haven't posted since I officially became a member of tri 2.

Wasn't sure if I should post my story or not but feel it may be of help to anyone who finds themselves in a similar position.

My last posts in tri 1 were of my fantastic scan and the day I was going to come in to tri 2 I got a phone call from the hospital to say my bloods had come back as high risk for downs, edwards syndrome etc. This sent me in quite a tizzy....went to the hospital appt to be told my risk factor was 1:30, which is quite high in the high risk category.

OH and I made the difficult decision to have an amnio as we felt we needed to know one way or the other and the risk of m/c was much less than that of a positive diagnosis.

Anyway as amnio can't be carried out until 15 weeks we had a long 2 week wait, with me googling the hell out of the internet for answers. It was a difficult time.

Had my amnio on Monday, got the results back on Tuesday to say all was clear and we are Team..........PINK!!!!:dance:

OH and I are over the moon, we would have loved our little girl no matter what but felt we needed to know to be prepared.

Looking forward to joining you all again officialy in tri 2, if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask or PM me xxx
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Congrats hun, sounds like you have had a tough ride so far, hope the rest if your pregancy goes smoothly :) xx
Sounds like you've been on a rollercoaster already!

Soo happy it all came back clear though, and congrats on your Little girl :D
Congratulations hun, doesnt seem to be that many of the pink bundles about at the mo, Just goes to show just because you are high risk doesnt mean the worst. So glad that you got a good result xx
Congratulations, glad everything is ok with your little girl xxx
congrats hun. There seems to be a run of pinks starting now. Well done on the results front. But stay away from google its terrible for pregnant women. lol
I agree with leanne regarding google, i put everything into google and then panic after, hubby tells me off all the time xx
Glad everything is ok, what a horrible thing to go through.

Welcome to tri2, congrats on team pink. xxx
Well you have had a trip haven;t you :)

Welcome to Tri 2 honey xxx
Welcome to tri 2! Sorry about your rough ride so far! Hopefully your little girl will settle and stop scaring you! :)
Aww congratulations hunni, so happy for you and welcome to Team Pink xxx
Glad everything is ok hun, that must have been really terrifying for you x
TEAM PINK !! CONGRATS !! So glad everything is oky hun and im so happy for you !! Going for my blood test for downs in one hour .. im still sticking to my team pink intuition :) xox
Welcome to tri 2 :)

:dance: Another PINK!!! Yay not many of us over here lol
Thanks for all your lovely replies girls! Looks like a few more pink bundles are being announced...yay for team pink! (congrats to team blue and yellow too!) Leeann, completely agree with you on the googling thing but I can't help myself!!! In this instance I did find a lot of useful information and positive experiences of those in a similar situ, but I will be wary of the perils of google going forward.....

Looking forward to sharing tri 2 with you all! x

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