Health care grant £190

i aint a clue i thought i wouldnt get it but after reading the budget today im not too sure if i can still claim it as i will be 29 weeks before the cut of date for people which are pregnant with 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ect babies ah well wont knoiw until you claim for sure i supose
I applied for the HiP Grant [£190] on the 17th, it's not in the bank yet, but don't suppose it'll be long now... At least, I hope not - that's what I'm buying the Crimbo pressies with!

I'm not far enough along to apply for the SS Grant [£500] yet, but I am entitled to it in a few weeks :yay:
That'll be given to OH to spend on kitting out the nursery, methinks......
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mine came back the 190 they need my bank details again grrr so last friday i re sent off the 190 and the 500 one now just a waiting game

I rang them to check mine had arrived and my bank details were right :S as I made a mistake on mine on the date where you sign lol x guy seemed really nice and helped me :)

How do u ring them oh that remides me i have to ring income support today because they havent swapped me over yet
found the number on the income revenue website? Could find it for you think I posted it on one of the other threads but its an 0845 one x
well the 190 is what im waitin for because now the 500 one has come back cos the bloody midwife didnt fill it in grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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