Health in pregnancy grant - how will you use yours?

I spent most of mine on baby stuff on ebay. Have £50 left , Going on my brothers birthday present.. and then normal bills, Cause I havent been paid so have to use that now. B**tards.
I'm not entitled to it either. Glad I'll get the sure start grant though!
mine has just been sent off and i have given the bank details of my savings account :D which needs some money so thought id do that as im a good girl lol x
I think we will stick ours in little legs bank account....we started a monthy saving plan for this baby as did with DD as soon as I found out I was pregnant so will prob just pop it in there and hopefully let it grow for the next 18 years!

Apparently I just fall within the cut off time of 31st Dec so glad about that lol xx
Christmas prezzies, all of our cash has gone towards baby and getingt he house sorted so far so will need the extra for Christmas present, will get my form on Tuesday when I have my 25week appointment. How long does it take to come through?
I will be spending mine on bills and presents maybe a little something for me, ALso I want to put some of my grant money aside for the babys bank account because we don't get the trust funds anymore :(

Hopefully I get them. I should do by my dates but hey who knows my midwife is shit and never does anything right locally.
the £500 grant shall be used for cot etc but the £190 grant i never got my mw never gave me a letter about this and iam now 26 weeks can i still get this or have i missed it?
when/how do you get the 500?

Amanda aren't you going to spend yours on Cher Lloyd albums and memorabilia??! :lol:
when/how do you get the 500?

Amanda aren't you going to spend yours on Cher Lloyd albums and memorabilia??! :lol:

Im on job seekers at the moment hun

and haha :roll: although i said she was good i wont be doing that besides thats your christmas present of me :x
ah right I see

:lol: at buying me Cher's album (she won't make one though cos' she is POO haha)

I must say though (to go off topic a bit) I quite enjoyed Katie's performance last night, what did you think?
Amanda, You can still get the 190, ring up the midwife unit and they will send you the form with their bit pre signed, I didnt send off mine till 29 weeks
the £500 grant shall be used for cot etc but the £190 grant i never got my mw never gave me a letter about this and iam now 26 weeks can i still get this or have i missed it?

you should be able to have you been given your mat 1b form?

just go on the direct gov website i think you can get some information about it on there.
ah right I see

:lol: at buying me Cher's album (she won't make one though cos' she is POO haha)

I must say though (to go off topic a bit) I quite enjoyed Katie's performance last night, what did you think?

to be honest i havent been watching x factor like i did last year so didnt see katie all i saw was who got through and oh look cher was thru hehe x
We're going to use it for the NCT classes. We've been umming and erring about them cos of the cost, so thanks to this thread, it's made us remember there's some extra cash for it :)
the £500 grant shall be used for cot etc but the £190 grant i never got my mw never gave me a letter about this and iam now 26 weeks can i still get this or have i missed it?

you should be able to have you been given your mat 1b form?

just go on the direct gov website i think you can get some information about it on there.

Thank You shall do that now x
Mine will be going towards a hypnbirthing course.
Mine will be going towards a travel system!
Mine paid off a small debt I had which lifted a weight off of my shoulders :)

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