Head all over the place

Aw hun, sorry you're feeling like this :hugs: I think you should go to gp again and tell them what you want, its gone on liong enough and causing you so much distress. I know my cycle wasn't as long as yours but it was long enough, I think I'd be pulling my hair out by now if I was you, its just so frustrating! x x
thank you hun, think i may ring drs in morning and ask for appt this week xx
Well girls i have spent a few hours tonight on net looking at other girls experiences of yasmin...and its seriously a mirror image!! really wish id never gone on it now...other girls have had stupid long cycles for ages, outbreaks of bad spots, weight gain (and even hair loss)

Atleast im not the only one! phew xxxx
Hey bella hun :hugs:

I'd defo go back to your doc, just remember that you know your body better than he does, its not a ttc story. But last new years day I took a tumble down a flight of stairs and felt something "pop" in my back, I was taken to hospital and told that I'd torn all the muscles in my lower back. No shit I was in agony! They told me it would take 4-6 weeks to heal. 8 weeks later I only started "walking" again, by that I mean shuffling. My doc wouldn't even do a home visit, I had to wait because I live in a second floor flat and I couldn't get out of the house.

Anyway skip to 8 months past accident and I was still in agony, my physio told me there was nothing more he could do for me and essentially "dumped" me. So I made appt with GP and DEMANDED an MRI and sat in his office until he did the referral. Despite there being "no need" for an MRI with "an injury like mine" my MRI showed two prolapsed discs in my lower back, one of which is pressing on a nerve. Queue a now 4 month wait for a physio appt! (Still waiting)

So the moral of the story is that you need to go with your gut instinct. Dr's are tied to procedures that treat everyone the same, however everyone's body is different. You know your body better than he does, so go in and don't worry about coming off crazy to him ... he's seen worse ;-)

Hope this helps :hugs:

Hi Hun, I just wanted to share my experience after coming off the pill. Sorry if I have bored you with this already!!
I came off the pill in jan and drove myself mad thinking there was something wrong with me as I didn't get my first af until April! I then had three cycles at 35, 32 and 29 days then I had one go a bit AWOL at 49 days ( not quite as long as yours tho) I then went back to a 30 day. Mine then alternated at being around 30 and 37 days every other month. I was on microgynon for 14 years and I really only felt things were back to normal and I knew when af was coming over the last couple of months. I too went to the doctors and they said it was just my body regulating and said not everyone has bang on time regular cycles so not to worry. Well as you know I got my bfp last week so please don't get too disheartened. I would say as you had two normal cycles that it is just your body getting back into sync. Good luck hunny, hope you get some answers soon! Xx
Hey Hun, yeh I had a good look as well and it does seem a lot of people are experiencing this like us, but the odd few also went back to normal fairly quickly. But it does seem to follow a pattern for a lot, a couple of fairly short cycles followed by long ones. Frustrating waiting but it will sort itself out. Looking forward to seeing what your doctor has to say this time round xxxx
Hey Hun, I thought I'd share my experience of coming off the pill.. I had the initial bleed when I stopped then another 'period' a few months after that then nothing at all for about 7mths :( then a 40 day cycle, then 32 day cycle. I'm not trying 2 freak u out or anything, I think it's rare for periods to take a year to return, for most people it seems to be up to 6mths. Maybe there's something wrong with me which would be a reason for them taking a year, I dunno. I haven't conceived yet but only in 3rd month of properly trying. Just thought I'd share my experiences wit the pill as I couldn't find much online about ttc when coming off pill. Good luck Xx
Hey bellarina hope ur feeling bit better today, have u booked in to the docs yet? Maybe see if they will give u sometjing to start af off, don't let them fob u off this time, let them know its getting u down.

Big hugs hun xx
Hi hunny

If it helps at all I have had cysts for 15 years and they've not caused any of the symptoms you've described. I had regular cycles and no dc caused by them. I don't have pcos so dunno if it's different. Not all cysts hurt and if you are unlucky enough to get pains from cysts you would be at a&e by now, it's a very intense and scary pain.

Hope you get an answer soon :hug: xxxxxxxx
hey, ive been away for a bit - so just catching up.

first of all - fecking nhs!! how does your gp surgery work? are u assigned to a specific gp? can you pick who you see ? reason i ask is becasue most gp surgeries have websites now and often they list their gps and their areas of interest - you could google your surgery and see if any gps have interest/specialities in gynae, obstestrics, family planning etc.

second, whoever you see - be tough with them. most gps will haev seen this before and it is esy for them to become complacent - ask the gp - ignoring the fact you were on the pill, what else could it be? shoudl blood tests be ordered etc?

third - sure u have heard this before but stress and worry can delay af. i can sense you rollign your eyes as u read this - i would anyway - but it is true! i have been regular my whole life excluding 4 months when i was in my teens and the reason was the stress in the build up too and my exams at school. i knew i wasnt preggo as was still young and innocent then! haha, and my diet was the same, wasnt over exercising, the only variable was the stress. i know this isnt the case for everybody but it could be so go with it for a bit. could you and your man go away for a weekend of de-stressing - find a good deal on late rooms or groupon??? a day by yourself at a spa?? anything to relax you and forget about everything.

Also if you cant afford going private - many clinics offer 0% interest so you could go down the pay in installments route??

Hey Seb, just wondering what pill were you on? Did you go the docs in that time and if so did they not give you something to start your period? Good luck to you hope you get your BFP soon, you've waited long enough x
I was on microgynon for about 12 yrs. Luckily we've only really been ready to start a family in the last 6mths, I would've been pulling my hair out by now if I'd been trying for over a year. I'm really hoping for a bfp in the next few months. Doc done a hormone & thyroid test which were normal. She told me it can take up to a year for periods to return & up to 2 years for fertility to return!! Was so angry that there's no mention of this when they give u pill. I haven't been back 2 docs since af has returned 2 some sort of normality. Not sure if there's anything else they can do at this point. I'm charting from last month 2 make sure I'm def ovulating, though this month my chart isn't making much sense!

I've heard good reports about agnus castus 2 regulate cycles. If this is a long one I might try that 4 my next cycle. I really hope u get ur bfp soon too. U must be so furstrated. When I started ttc I was so happy to see af just to kno I had some sort of a cycle! xx

Thanks Seb. I was on Yasmin like Bellarina. Omg I hate the doctors for just putting us on these pills without warning us if this!! I'm 33 and worried I'm getting on a bit and if I'd known this I would have stopped the pill a lot earlier!
I really hope it won't take 2 years! :( can't wait to get my agnus castus delivery!

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