Have you got your name(s) picked?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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If we have a boy we're probably going for

If it's a girl we like Emily but I can't decide on middle names... I like to use family names that mean something but I'm struggling to come up with two that work!

How about you, do you have your names picked?
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Both lovley names hun :)

ive had my LO's name for a few weeks now, shes going to be called Amber Olivia :)
Awww some lovely names! We've decided on Isla Catherine for our daughter. I wanted something with a Scottish thing going on coz my mum's Scottish. I did think about having my mum's or sister's name as a middle name (Margaret -mum or Elizabeth -sister) but Dave didn't like them. So we plumped for Catherine as it's my middle name and it's a timeless name.
Dave's mum and sister's names are Sandra and Sharon, don't match at all with Isla! :?
Aw your names are both gorgeous!

And MagicMarkers I adore Florence it's a gorgeous name. My mum's next door neighbour has a LO a couple of months older than my DS who's Florence (Flo most of the time) and she's such an adorable little thing I love the name!
got it planned, but keeping it quiet incase we change our minds, haha.
Awww lovely names everyone!
So far we have Lola-Mae! If she doesnt look like a Lola then theres always Ava, Eva, Evie, Izzy, and Im sure a few more lol! But hopefully she will look like a Lola! :D (she may have to be born wearing feathers and fishnets though?! :think: :rotfl: )
charlotte_ said:
got it planned, but keeping it quiet in case we change our minds, haha.
Oooh now Im intrigued!! heehee
haha, i don't think we will change our minds, we already refer to bump with the name, so you'll find out soon enough!
it's not only that, but i don't wanna write it on here then someone likes it & robs it, haha.
charlotte_ said:
haha, i don't think we will change our minds, we already refer to bump with the name, so you'll find out soon enough!
it's not only that, but i don't wanna write it on here then someone likes it & robs it, haha.
Hee hee yeh only another few weeks to wait!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Typical i have a girls name, Eden Pixie, but we are having a boy and i cant decide on anything whatsoever that we all agree on :wall:
Weve chosen Scarlet Louise for a girl and George Stanley for a boy.... probably change our minds when LO is born though..lol!!!! :D
We've got a good idea of ours although not sure if we'll change our minds, especially about the boy's name:

Girl: Erin Lily (Lily after OH's Nana)
Boy: Owen James (James after both our grandfathers)

The girls name we really like but the boys name is just the only one that neither of us dislike!

For your girls name I quite like Jane as a middle name?
We have decided on:

Leo Cristian (surname Marsella)

My DH's best friend is called Frazer so I like that name (I know it's spelt differently) and I have always liked Emily. Good choices!
We've decided on Laila Eira for a girl and Jude for a boy, we have a choice of middle names that we can't agree on, Gethin, Maldwyn, Ioan, Iwan. (Maldwyn after FIL, I'm not keen though).

We've gone for Welsh middle names as we're both Welsh. We decided on more English sounding first names as most of our friends wouldn't be able to pronounce the Welsh names and I'd get tired of trying to correct them all the time.

I really like the girls middle name Eira as it translates as snow, which is fitting for Christmas as they are due then.


I think Emily sounds nice with Rose and May
Our little girlis going to be called Ruby not sure of a middle name yet though....we also like Lucy but we'll see what she looks like when she's born!
We've still not agreed! I like chloe elise but have since found out matts mate has named their little girl the exact same name. So.. if its a girl it maybe mia elise now. If its a boy then we only have charlie and liam which we kind of agree on.

Its so hard!

Claire x
He's gonna be Henry Patrick Rohan (surname Shepherd) :D
My dad says he sounds like an explorer and I think is already daydreaming about taking his second grandson on exploring missions for bugs at the top of the garden :D hehe
OH chose the name Henry.. Patrick is OH's uncle who died tragically aged 21.. Rohan was my choice for either girl or boy for a middle name and for the sanskrit meaning of Healing and Ascension :)

We have got a girls name planned just incase ;) but not posting that cos tis very unusual and we is not sharing :lol:
So far we have...

For a girl - Hannah, Emily or Lauren
For a boy - Adam, Lewis or Rowan

We're not going for a middle name, OH's middle name is Walter and he was relentlessly teased at school about it so he's got a 'thing' about middle names :lol:
Yea we've had ours picked out for a few months now :D
And all the family have started asking but we're not telling them until bumpy's here :wink: :lol:

We think it's a boy going off the 20week scan and the heart beat but I don't want to look like a fool if it pops out a little girl after all :rotfl: So I haven't gone too mad on the boyish stuff, most of it's nuteral...and I haven't got anything with the name on yet :wink:

For a boy - Muhammad 'Faruq' Uthman
Means: Praise worthy, distinguisher between truth and falsehood, like a lion :)

and on the off chance she's a girl - Ruqayyah Kulthum Uthman
Been struggling to find the official meaning of this one :shock:
Ruquayyah and Kulthum were two of the daughters of Our Prophet (so they are considered 'nice' names automatically) and oddly enough they both married a guy called Uthman :rotfl:
Hubby actually likes the Japanese name Rukia so Ruqayyah is as close as you can get in Arabic but for some reason it's almost impossible to find out what it means :think: ...and I really liked Kulsum/Kulthum which I think means 'one with a full face'

(I'm very tempted to use Kulsum instead of Kulthum because it's easier to say but truth is it wouldn't fit in. The whole point is that the full name is going to be Arabic and Kulsum is the Pakistani version of the original name Kulthum :roll: Hubby is known as Usman (in the same manner...they seem to stick 's' in where it should be 'th') but his birth certificate says Uthman which is the original Arabic version....so if we're gona use that as the surname (which he really wants...family tradition type thing) then we really should stick with making the whole name Arabic :lol: IYKWIM)

SORRY to go on so much!!! :oops:
I actually think it's kinda cool doing this whole naming thing because the emphesis for us is on chosing a name which sounds nice and has a nice meaning :D So I've been busy looking up names I like the sound of and then checking the meanings. Most have been shot down by hubby for one reason or another though :rotfl: And vice versa...I don't think most of his sound nice :lol:

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