Have you got any strange phobias???


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Nevermind the usuals like spiders, snakes, heights etc.... something odd!!!

I am petrified of bogies :puke: and robotic style dancing.... scares the crap out of me *shudder*
Can't stand the little blighters! Can't cook them or serve them up without gagging! :puke:
I'm scared of machines that have moving parts b/c I worry they might come to life, especially the big ones in car factories and simulators. They terrify me!
Baked beans.

It's not as unusual as I used to think, I've met a couple of others who are scared of them too.
The number that comes after 12... honestly. I hate it so much I can't even type it!

I just freak out when it comes up anywhere!!

I dont no if these are unusual or not.
Fish (dolphines, whales etc) and also lots of water e.g lakes, rivers etc.
kaybee21 said:
The number that comes after 12... honestly. I hate it so much I can't even type it!

I just freak out when it comes up anywhere!!


Ah, a Triskaidekaphobic!

Some of the words for phobias are great. My fave

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - fear of long words :)
I wish I had a phobia of preganancy forums.... I have SO much stuff to be doing right now!
egg shell! when i crack an egg into a bowl for cooking/baking etc I spend at least 5 mins searchign for tiny fragments of shell. If the fragments are just too small to get out - i'll start again.
the thought of shell in my mouht, which has happened to me before in an unexpecting scone, makes me sick!
Wooden chip forks like the ones you get in chippies :puke: :puke: even the though makes me shudder
Wool! Little people, tho Im getting over that after seeing ones willy and it made me giggle :D

cant stand it, if somthing comes packaged in it, i have to get somone else to unwrap it and i have to be out of the room, if not out of the house. :puke:

also dont like 'bumper car' rides in fair grounds. About 5 years ago i was queing up to go on one, when out of the blue i got this horrible fear in me, and i couldnt breath, and all i could think about was blood...Found out from my parents that when i was about 3-4 yrs old, i was on one with my dad and had abit of a horrible accident. I dont remember it, but i still get this fear. lol
Pegs not matching..... It just bugs me beyond distraction and I have frequently changed pegs at peoples houses - yes they think I'm crazy but I don't care.

I used to be quite scared of ants till DD got an ant farm last year. It's quite interesting watching them and when they started to escape somehow it didn't bother me as much as I though it would lol!
Not me, but one of my cousins had a phobia about being pregnant. She freaked out when she found out she was, and she cried for hours the first time the baby moved.

She wasn't phobic about babies or having them, just the pregnancy part. Strange.
Hair!?! But only in the bed. :roll: I have to check the bed every night with a torch looking for hairs, otherwise the bed feels dirty. I end up like a person with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and can't get into bed until I know that it's clear.
Yes, I think I am a bit strange... :think:
Public toilets. They really scared me at some point. I thought a snake was going to come out of them and eat my bum :shock:

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