Have any bfers


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Weaned their babies off feeding to sleep to SSing at night?

Without tears?

We've mastered the daytime naps and he will happily SS but I haven't tried the night yet as I don't want him to get all wound up before bed. I was hoping to be able to feed him in the room and put him down awake (NOT weaning off bfing)

Anyone done it?

Any tips?

I do it now. She's always half awake when I put her down now for any naps and bedtime. But as its time to sleep because I'm doing a routine I know I won't have a problem getting her off.

I literally put her down, pop a dummy in swing the crib and leave the room and she's asleep.

I don't really have any tips.

If you are sure he's ready to sleep how about just putting him down and waiting 5mins?

Or would he cry?
I was going to post a thread about this too. K goes down for naps and ss but not at night at all. We have tried the last two nights to have oh put her down. First night she cried for a while and fell asleep. Last night it didn't work. After an hour I ended up feeding her to sleep. She kept falling asleep for a few minutes and then waking again. Will stalk this thread to see if anyone has advice! Xx
I would say if he is doing well for naps hun he will probably be fine at bedtime too. I think u r right to just do the bedtime routine and then feed him in the room and pop him down dozy but awake and let him drift off himself. Gradually u could c if he would go down more awake (so take him off the boob when he's finished feeding and is just comfort sucking to try and settle to sleep iykwim). Ethan kinda weaned himself off of being fed to sleep for naps and bedtime- by that I mean he wouldnt go off at all, or wouldnt b drowsy enough and would wake up when moved. It was around 4.5 months and this is when we started getting him to SS for naps and it just carried over into bedtime. Bedtime was easier for us tbh coz he was generally more accepting of sleep at that time. Naps were more of a nightmare! So I would say if u have mastered naps then u r on to a winner! xxx
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Ha I wish. He woke up tonight when I was moving away, had some more good and pulled away. Thought of have a go at leaving him. 2 1/2 hours later I've had to feed him off :wall2:

Oh dear :-/ I guess its just too integral to his bedtime routine at the mo. Is ur bedtime routine much different to nap routine? x
No tips from me. That's what I was trying on Sunday when I had that mega stress on here!!

Back to feeding him off
I need to stop doing this too, its just easy tho and works! Only problem is that you then become tied at night as I am so can't get on with stuff or get a night out!
I need to stop doing this too, its just easy tho and works! Only problem is that you then become tied at night as I am so can't get on with stuff or get a night out!

This is my problem! I really want to be able to have other people put her to bed, just once in a while.
I know what u mean Sarah, it is so much easier to just do it, particularly when they wake in the night. Fortunately when he could ss at bedtime, night wakings got less and then he started waking just once for feeding and now he is eating more in the day has naturally dropped that. I havent done anything to wean him off bf in the night, it just happened gradually. Obviously all LO's are different but hopefully if u can get him to go off at bedtime without the need to be fed to sleep it should start to progress from there? xx
Are you sure he's ready to sleep?

Do you feed him in the dark etc
Excuse me while I :rofl:

He will cry if I take my eyes off him, let alone put him down! Sounds like you're on a quest for the mythical creature called a perfect baby!

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